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  This would have to work, this will be my only chance of getting out of this place. I’m nervous as I take a final walk around the space. I notice there are no windows and the heavy metal door looks more like something you would see on a bank safe. My stomach twists painfully. I try not to think about how claustrophobic this all is. I have no idea how long he’s been gone, but I know a lot of time has passed. My stomach rumbles and it reminds me of what he had said about wanting me to make him food. Should I? Should I make him food so he won’t suspect anything later on, or is making him food making me look suspicious? My decision is made for me when the large metal door clicks open. I move as quickly as I possibly can back to the bedroom and get under the blanket.


  My breathing becomes labored as his raised voice crashes against my ears, the sound of footsteps has everything inside me hallowing. The moment he steps into the room, his angry dark eyes send more fear shooting through my system. I think of the dumbbell, I think of the razor, I think of every unloaded gun, but nothing seems to calm me as he steps fully into the room. His lips don’t move but his eyes are questioning me. Part of me wants to remind him I’m not allowed to speak.

  “What is your name?”

  I’m shaking my head in total confusion. I know the answer, but once again his warning about me not speaking, leaves my tongue heavy in my mouth.

  “What is your name?”

  My fingers tighten around the blanket as I continue to shake my head. He kneels down, ripping the blanket from my clenched hands. I want to beg him not to hurt me, but all I can do is shake my head.

  “If you don’t say your name!” The warning has me tightening my eyes. My lips feel so dry as they part and I swallow the lump in my throat.

  “Kate.” I open my eyes, startled by the sound of my voice. His own eyes seem wider and it’s a brief moment where we are just staring at each other. The room spins and I touch the bedroom floor to try to steady myself.

  “Get up!” He’s standing holding the blanket as I rise naked. His hands grip my arms and my attention snaps to him again.

  “What is your name?”

  His voice has a calming note to it, but I’m shaking my head. I don’t understand what game we are playing. If I say my real name, will he punish me?

  I open my mouth to speak again and his hand clamps across it. “Don’t speak.” My body starts to tremble as he storms from the room. His anger is growing and forming around the space. I can almost see his anger pulsate. I reach up to touch my pendant around my neck, it’s my comfort when times are bad. My fingers touch only my flesh and tears burn my eyes again.


  His roar has me jumping and I swallow the trepidation that’s making my limbs heavy. I need to act now. His anger is too much. I have no idea what he will do to me when he returns to the room. My feet leave damp footprints on the wooden floor. My hand keeps touching my neck, seeking comfort, as I try to move quietly down the hall. I don’t dare look over my shoulder. I can hear him moving around in the kitchen area. My feet feel slippery under me and I try to keep my balance as black spots dance in front of my eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  A scream rips from my throat and I’m running. His pounding footsteps behind me, has my fear tripling as I race into the gym. I dive close to the dumbbells. Without thinking, I pick up the dumbbell. He bends down to get me and I swing, my life depends on me making contact. It’s a horrible feeling as it sails through the air, it’s so close to his face, he moves back and as the dumbbell pulls back down to the ground, my grip slips and it falls from my slick fingers.

  There is a moment where I feel the world is suspended into a state of silence and stillness and I want to stay here. The bubble pops and he grabs my arm and drags me to my feet.

  I don’t beg with my words but try to plead with my eyes. His eyes are the darkest I have ever seen. Don’t cry, Scarlett, I tell myself as he drags me to the wall. He pushes me against it before releasing me. He walks away from me before returning. I’m waiting for a punch or a slap, but instead his lips slam against mine. I don’t move under him as his erection presses against my abdomen. His lips leave mine and I’m holding my breath as he dips his face into my neck, his breath fans out across my collar bone.

  “You keep trying to kill me, Kate.”

  He doesn’t sound mad, and when he leans out and grabs my face, I see lust swirl in the depths of his dark eyes. I try to ignore the reaction my body seems to have to him each time he is close. It’s wrong. This is wrong. I hold still as his fingers tighten on my chin.

  “Who are you?” His words brush my cheek and I don’t want to think about who I am. Right now, I think I’m just Kate, who’s been taken by this guy, whose name I don’t know.

  He releases my chin abruptly and my spine straightens as his fingers graze my pussy.

  His fingers work fast and he pushes two inside me. My whole body goes still and I have that odd feeling of wondering if this is really happening. He removes them and pushes them back in. His eyes haven’t left my face.

  “You’re wet.” His words are gleeful and the heat to my cheeks is instant. I want to apologize. Something is wrong with me. I shouldn’t enjoy this. I shouldn’t allow this. His fingers plunge back inside me and when a groan falls from my lips, I close my eyes against the ecstasy and also the shame.

  “I want you to look at me.” His deep voice has me returning to those abysses that I’m drowning in. “Just feel it.” His words sound so real. Like he really wants me to just feel, I push my body harder against the wall trying to get away from his prodding fingers. But there is no escaping him. He widens me, adding a third finger. His palm grazes my hard nipples and I groan against the pleasure that bubbles up inside me. His mouth covers mine and I groan into his lips as he moves his fingers faster, his thumb brushes my clit as his other hand works on my nipple. He rolls it with his thumb and forefinger. My nerves all fire at once and as he moves faster, I feel the climax it’s so close. His lips press harder against mine and I take a taste, responding to his kiss. It’s all too much, not just for me, but it seems to allow something to release in him. His tongue fills my mouth. His hand leaves my nipple as he grips my face, his fingers don’t stop plunging inside me and I rise on the tips of my toes and break the kiss as I ride high on the orgasm that tears through me. He holds my face and watches me cum all over his fingers. I close my eyes, cutting him off from something so private. The moment I cum, shame follows on its heels far too quickly.

  I’m still breathing heavy and don’t look at him as he removes his fingers from me.

  “What’s your name?” His question now is gentler and I look at him.

  Some twisted part of me wants to tell him but I hold back the only thing I can. “My name is Kate.”



  “My name is Kate,” She repeats it again and her voice is stronger and louder. She’s still flushed from cumming and I can’t look away from her. She’s so defiant. Her lips are slightly parted, red, and swollen from our kisses. The first time I had kissed her had done something to me and then she hadn’t responded. Having her respond this time had left me hungry for more. Now I know how sweet she tastes, how warm and soft her lips really are. I can’t understand this want that’s tangled itself within me. I want to know her. I want her real name and now she refuses to give it to me.

  I could always check the pendant. My eyes travel across her bare skin, my own need has my cock hardening and pushing painfully against my trousers. I can see her orgasm shine on her inner thigh. My gaze travels back up to her eyes. Ocean eyes that are on fire with an anger she’s holding back. I want her to tell me what’s making her so angry. The fact I touched her or the fact she wanted me to.

  My body is craving her and I know how dangerous that is. “Get dressed,” I say.

  Her eyes widen briefly but she doesn’t move. I can’t keep my hands to myself if she’s naked. It just won’t work for me anymor
e and I wasn’t about forcing myself on someone. I’ve never had to. Women came and went easily, so why was I so taken with this one?

  She doesn’t move.

  “Get dressed now or I’ll have you pleasure me.” The thought has my balls growing heavier but fear has her skittering past me. I wait a few beats as I try to control my want for her, before following her into the bedroom. She’s wrapped a blanket around herself. I take out a t-shirt and jogging pants along with some socks and leave them on the bed.

  “Get dressed and then come up to the kitchen.” I can’t look at her as I leave the room. The kitchen area is fine. The moment I had returned I had checked the drawer to make sure the pendant was still there, it was. It might be something I can use to get information from her. I need to be smart and try to push aside the admiration that is growing inside me for her rebellious nature. I never saw the dumbbell as a weapon until today. It’s a room I will have to lock. I don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to her standing over me.

  She enters the kitchen in my clothes and every cell in my body is aware that she looks good in my clothes. They are baggy and too long on her, but with her flushed cheeks and wide eyes, her innocence calls to me.

  I want to say something, but when she looks at me, words fail. I make the sandwiches. The chair scrapes along the floor as she sits down. I glance at her and she’s watching me. I turn before she sees the grin on my face. I have a feeling she’s up to something.

  Something like trying to think of a way to kill me. It really shouldn’t excite me but it does. Is it the thought of it all ending in a second? I’m not sure. I bring the ham sandwiches to the table and slide hers across towards her. It stops close to the edge and she lifts her small hands from her lap. She looks so young, but I know what’s under those clothes. She takes a bite, it’s slow and I can tell she’s holding back from gobbling it down.

  “How long were you on the streets?”

  She freezes while staring at the small bite she’s taken out of the sandwich, she takes another before looking at me.

  “A while.” Her voice is so soft and low. I like the sound of it.

  I exhale loudly and place my sandwich on my plate. My patience is dwindling quicker than it ever had. “How long is a while?”

  “Five months.” She answers quickly.

  “Who gave you the pendant?” It isn’t really important, but I need to know why she values the chain so much.

  Her lids flutter closed but not before I catch a glimpse of the pain that shines out of them. “A friend,” she mumbles into the sandwich before she takes another bite. I can tell she’s no longer enjoying it. I get back up and get her a glass of water. I have an overpowering urge to touch her. Placing the glass beside her, I don’t leave and she slowly looks up at me. I can’t stop myself from reaching out and touching her face.

  “His name?”

  She moves and my hand shifts to her hair, holding her firm so she looks at me. Fire starts to burn in her eyes again and all I can think about is touching her. My arousal grows quickly and I want her to defy me so I can take what I really want.

  “Robert.” Her eyes swim with pain.

  “A lover?” The jealousy is instant and I release her like she burned me. Keeping her isn’t good. This isn’t good. I return to my chair to put some distance between us. But it’s not enough.

  My fist slams down on the table. She screams and her water glass wobbles before spilling across the table.

  “Eat your food!” I bark and she picks up the sandwich. I see the tremble in her hands as she eats quickly. What the fuck am I doing?

  “Do you have any friends?” I ask her.

  She looks up at me, her eyes blurring with unshed tears. “No.”

  “Do you have anyone?”

  She blinks and tears spill before she looks away from me. “No.” She bites the sandwich and starts to chew quickly as tears stream down her face.

  I can’t deal with her crying. I focus on cleaning up the spilled water and refilling her glass.

  “Who’s Robert?” I ask as I sit back down. She seems slightly more composed.

  Her sandwich is gone.

  “My father.”

  I get up and place the other half of my sandwich on her plate. “Is he dead?”

  She looks up at me like I’ve struck her. Her chest rises and falls quickly. “Yes.” Her word is filled with air and I see her pain so fucking clearly.

  “Mother?” I keep digging as I move to more steady ground. I sit back down and she reels in everything and cuts me off. “What does it matter?”

  I want to slam my fist down on the table again but I reach for my own control. I don’t respond. She needs to remember who has the power here.

  “I never knew her.” She grits her teeth, and I’m not sure if it’s at me or the idea she never knew her mother.


  She shakes her head. The half of my sandwich still sits on the plate.

  “Eat,” I say and am satisfied when she picks it up and takes a bite. I wait patiently as she eats the sandwich. I want her to finish it before I continue.

  When it’s all gone she takes a drink of water, the glass trembles in her hand.

  “Cousins, aunties, uncles?”

  “I have an aunt. She raised me after my father died.” How did she end up on the streets is what I want to know.

  “She died a year ago.” She adds.

  Her hands sit back in her lap.

  “What’s your name?”

  I see a flash of something in her eye. It looks like uncertainty.


  I stand and walk away from her to the drawer. The drawer with the necklace. I know it’s her name that’s inscripted on the back of it. I could just read it and end this. My gaze slams into hers. I want her to tell me. I want her to say her name.

  “Any boyfriends or friends on the streets?”

  She cuts me off again, a tell tale sign, I’m picking up that she’s uncomfortable about something.

  “Something happened to you?” I’m moving towards her again. Her head snaps up and she’s shaking it, but nothing can hide the look in her eyes. Someone hurt her.

  “What happened?”

  Her chest rises and falls and I want the clothes removed. I want to see her.

  She shakes her head again like she has a fucking choice.

  “You will tell me.” I lean closer.

  “Yes, something happened to me.” She doesn’t blink as she looks up at me. “Some fucking psycho took me.” Her voices rises and I’m ready to ask who, I’m ready to fucking kill him. “He took me to his home, removed my clothes, made me wash in front of him, chained me to a bed only to let me break free.” Her voice continues to rise and it’s tinged with hysteria. “He won’t let me go.” Fear chokes her and I can’t look away. “He’s going to kill me. He’s going to kill Kate!”

  I snap and grab her, flinging her across my shoulder. She doesn’t fight me like she had the last time. Instead she keeps shouting her truths. “He took me, he took me and I know he will kill me.”

  She’s lost her fucking mind. I dump her onto the bed and she doesn’t stop. “He took my father’s gift from me. That’s all I had of him. You.” She points at me. “Took it from me.” Her angry words feel like they are latching onto me. I want to tell her to shut up. I don’t want to hear her words.

  “You can’t judge me.” I fire back as I grab two ties off the rack in my wardrobe.

  When I turn to her, I see the anger in her eyes. Anger I want to crush. “I think you want me to punish you.”

  I move closer with the ties, her gaze jumps from them to me. She won’t answer, now she decides to grow silent again. My body wants her and I can’t understand the want I have for her. I’m not gentle as I tie her hands together. She hisses as I pull her to the bedpost and with the other tie I wrap it around the post.

  “That’s too tight.” Her words wobble. I want to hurt her so badly. I finish tying her and be
fore I can do anything, I leave the room, slamming the door behind me. Trying to block out how she sees me. My fist hits the wall. My knuckles ache and I focus on that as I check my phone again. Nothing from Gage.

  I lean my head against the wall as I try to regain some of the control that is slipping so easily through my fingers. Her scream has me staring at the bedroom door. She’s screaming at the top of her lungs. It sounds like someone is hurting her but I know she’s alone. The need to check on her has me returning to the kitchen where I pour myself a drink. What the fuck have I done?

  I take another large gulp of brandy. I could drop her off on the street. I take another drink. I could leave her and she would never see me again. She could never pinpoint where she was. I empty the glass. She could do what? Resume her life on the streets with people who could hurt her.

  The glass sails across the room and I laugh as I watch it shatter. Opening the drawer I take out the necklace. My finger traces the name on the back. Her name. Her identity.

  End this now, I tell myself, before I get in any deeper. Before I fall so far that there is no return.

  I let the necklace float back into the drawer and close it.



  I continue to scream until my throat begs me to stop. My roar ends on a whimper. I can’t sort through everything that spins in my head. I had given myself to him freely. I had wanted his touch. Yet, I am his prisoner. I hate how easily I had submitted to him. How easily I had handed that power over. How I had craved to have his long fingers inside me. The memory of the look in his eyes as I was close to climaxing has heat scorching my chest. I feel the heat crawl up my neck before it spreads out across my cheeks.

  I close my eyes trying to shy away from my next thought. It’s the most deadly thought, and I hadn’t acknowledged it, but I had the thought the first moment he had turned and looked at me while I was on the roof. I had thought how good looking he was. I am attracted to him.