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  “Stop it!” The command has my anger ceasing and I feel so heavy all of a sudden. My heart bounces around my chest and I close my eyes and try to hang onto something—the razor that I stashed in the tank of the toilet. I focus on the sharp blade, I could cut his face with it. I could cut my wrists with it. The thought has my eyes springing open. I try to get out of his arms but they tighten around me, his erection pressing against my ass.

  “I won’t let you go until you calm down, Kate.” His words are harsh against my ear and I stop moving. This is my fault. I should never have stolen that bar, maybe then I wouldn’t have ended up on that roof and now in the hands of this maniac. He steps away from me and I’m all too aware of the cold on my back. I’m too aware of my nakedness. My fingers search for the chain that I know won’t be there. Another sob tears from me and I want to scream at the top of my lungs.

  I don’t move as I hear him tidy up. He doesn’t speak to me and I don’t dare move a muscle. I need to get out of here or I am going to die. My hair still drips down the front of my chest. I don’t dry it, I am too afraid of what will happen if I spend too long in the bathroom. My mind keeps telling me any second he will rape me. It’s in his eyes. He’s toying with the idea.

  My stomach twists painfully, but for the first time it’s not from starvation. The meal is still unsettled but I need the food to stay down. I need my strength. I need to get out of here.

  “It’s been a long day. It’s time for bed.” I try not to react to the closeness of his voice. He circles around me until he towers in front of me. My heart starts a new beat, it’s one that’s driven by fear. He moves closer and I have to tilt my head back to see him. My breathing is harsh as he reaches for my face. His dark eyes don’t hide his want. I want to close my eyes when he raises his hand to my face and runs his thumb harshly across my lips.

  “You need to understand that no one knows you are here. No one will ever find you and there is no way out.”

  The air grows thin in the room. His eyes drop down to my lips where he rests his thumb.

  “No one can judge you, Kate. We can do whatever we want.”

  I swallow around the lump in my throat as dread curls around the base of my spine. I need to reinforce the walls of my safe room. I need to not let any light penetrate it. I’m quickly checking the walls for any gaps, any cracks.

  The coldness seeps in as he steps away from me. “Time for bed.”

  My jaw feels so tight as I follow him. I need to remain calm and find my safe place in my mind. I need to leave this place even for a short while.

  He flicks on the light in his bedroom. The bed takes up so much of the room. The black silky sheets have me stepping back.

  Be brave.

  The hallway looks like a safe place. It beckons for me to come.

  I jump as material lands at my feet. He’s watching me. “You will sleep on the floor until you learn to behave yourself, Kate.”

  I glance at the pillow and blanket. His eyes roam my flesh and fear skitters along my bare skin. I sink to the floor and cover myself with the blanket. I’m hoping he leaves me, but he doesn’t.

  He sinks to his knees. “I think we need to go over the rules.”

  His hand reaches out and he touches my face again. His fingers dance across my lips.

  “You can’t leave. There’s no way out.” Black orbs fill my vision and I nod.

  “If you hurt me again, Kate, I will punish you.”

  He leans in and I don’t dare move a muscle as he sniffs me. “You are making this very hard on me.”

  I picture my safe room. It’s so dark. Soundless.

  “Maybe you can stay in my bed.”

  My eyes shoot open and I try not to scurry away from him, it takes everything in me not to move.

  His hand grips my face. His head lowers to me and I can’t breathe. Soft lips brush against mine, I don’t expect the softness or the warmth. I don’t react but my mind doesn’t go to the dark room and I don’t know why. I tighten my hold on the blanket so I don’t push him away. So I don’t aggravate him. When I don’t respond to his kiss, he moves away from me.

  “You’re not ready yet.” He stands up. “Goodnight, Kate.”

  I lie back down as I try to control the pounding of my heart. My lips sting and my body is all too aware of that kiss. Why hadn’t I fled to my dark room? Why wasn’t I feeling repulsed by that kiss?

  I tighten my eyes and force myself to remember the blade in the bathroom. To remember that he will hurt me, rape me, and most likely kill me. I need to get out of here. I just need to try to keep my emotions in check and once he eases up even a tiny bit I will find my way out of this madness.



  She’s still asleep. Her bare chest rises and falls in a peaceful rhythm. The blanket has shifted throughout the night and she looks glorious while naked on my floor. She groans and I don’t want her to wake up; I don’t want to see the accusation in her eyes. My cock grows hard watching her. She groans again and I get up and leave sleeping beauty on my bedroom floor.

  My fingers work quickly pulling off the bandage on the side of my head as I walk to the kitchen. It comes away with some of my hair stuck to it. Rolling up the bandage I throw it into the thrash and pause at the drawer that holds her necklace. It’s her property, the only piece she came with. Taking the chain out, I hold the jagged heart in my hand. The hearts surface reflects the light and I can’t see any scratches or marks, she really took care of it. My finger rubs the back and I can feel the inscription. It’s her name no doubt, or a message from whomever gave the chain to her. It could be a lover. My finger continues to stroke the back of the heart as I remember her being upset. She wanted it back. I let the necklace slide from my hand and place it back in the drawer.

  I check on Kate again as I pass the bedroom. She’s still asleep, the blankets have sunk down to her waist. Maybe they will be lower when I return. I shift my hard cock as I enter the gun room.

  The click of the safe is loud in the empty room. Taking out the phone, I stand and switch it on. I’m surprised to see a missed call from Gage. He doesn’t call much; we aren’t exactly close. We share the same DNA, but that is pretty much it. Gage is two years older, but it always feels like we are generations apart.

  “You rang? Does that mean our parents are dead?” I close the safe door.

  “Our parents are fine. I know they would love to hear from you.” His deep voice has me wanting this conversation over. I can hear the judgment at my career choice.

  “You know I can’t be seen walking around.”

  “A phone call would mean the world to them.” Traffic beeps in the background.

  “On your way to rob a bank?” I question, as I try to veer the conversation away from my lack of sonly behavior. I will never be the son they want. I have good parents, they just never understand me.

  Gage dismisses my question. “I got a photo yesterday. I’m sending it through to you now.” The phone shuffles and my phone bleeps. “Did you get it?”

  I hold the phone away from my face and look at the image that’s loading slowly. Being underground makes the signal slow. The image finally loads and I curse.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “It was sent to me. I can’t trace the number but they want fifty G’s or they are going to the cops.”

  I hold the phone away from my face again and glare at the image of me stuffing Kate into the back of my vehicle.

  “Where are you now?” I ask.

  “I’m where this photo was taken. I’m trying to see the vantage point it was taken from. There’s an abandoned building across the road. I think whoever it was, was on the second floor.”

  I hear more traffic move past him. “I’ll be with you shortly,” I say.

  “Okay.” Gage hangs up and a sickening feeling wraps itself around me. Someone had been watching me. Or had someone been watching Kate? I don’t like the question that it raises. Who is Kate? I’m not ready t
o answer that.

  I leave the gunroom and pause at the doorway for the bedroom. She’s sitting up clutching the blanket to her chest. Her eyes are focused on the bed. Her neck rises like she’s trying to get a better look. Maybe she is trying to see if I am still in it.

  “Good morning.”

  She jerks at my voice and her gaze zones in on me. “I have to go out for a while.” I speak as I step into the room.

  Her knuckles are white from the grip she has on the blanket. My approach causes her to stiffen further. Lowering myself to my knees, I watch the pulse flicker in her neck. I want to touch it—such a powerful emotion.

  “I have to go out for a while,” I repeat, as I look at her. Hope. That’s what I see shine in her eyes and I smile. My smile is slow and deliberate and I watch in glee as that hope shrivels up and dies in her stunning ocean eyes. “I think you know that the guns have no ammunition in them. The knives have been removed and if you try anything else while I’m gone, Kate, I will punish you.” I let my gaze roam across her chest that’s covered with the blanket. “A serious punishment.” I reinforce as I rise to my feet.

  I don’t want to leave her alone. I don’t want to return to the outside world, I don’t want a reminder that the world still moves around us.

  I’m staring at her as she draws her knees to her chest. I want to take her with me, but that wouldn’t be smart.

  “I’ll be gone a few hours. You have permission to make yourself some food and I wouldn’t say no to you making me food.” I smile at the thought of coming back to a nice meal. “It would make me very happy, Kate.”

  She’s looking at me like I’m mad. I think we all are in a way. It just depends on how you view it.

  I leave Kate to her thoughts and get what I need.

  I glance over my shoulder before I punch in the code. The heavy metal door opens with a suction sound. I pull it with both hands behind me and once I hear the click, I know there is no way out. It gives me some comfort as I climb the steps and enter the living space of the house that keeps my existence hidden.


  I sip a coffee as I stand outside the shop that sits across the road from the building that I had taken the shot from. I turn when I spot Gage to my left. I walk slowly into the nearby park. It doesn’t take long for him to catch up with me. I glance at him. We look alike, only Gage doesn’t have a beard, his face appears clean shaven. He pulls the collar of his gray jacket up around his neck. His dark eyes are heavy with an accusation.

  “Say what you want to say,” I speak before drinking more coffee that really tastes like piss. I knew better than to buy coffee from a machine.

  “You really kidnapped someone?”

  Yeah, I didn’t blame him; this is a first for me. “She saw me shoot a guy.”

  Gage stops walking, causing me to stop. His black hair has grown out slightly and the length is showcased as he runs his hands through it. “You should have killed her then.”

  I nod and look away from him. “Yeah, I should have, but I didn’t.” I look back at him.

  His brows are drawn together with the question I’m not fit to answer. “What are you keeping her for?”

  I start to walk. “Did you get any leads?” I ask instead of answering his question.

  “Nothing. I can’t trace the number it came from, but you will have to reach into your purse and pay. I don’t want mam or dad getting wind of this. It would kill them.”

  “If they knew you robbed banks for a living, that would kill them too.” I’m not listening to his judgmental bullshit.

  “Yes, just like if they found out you were a sniper.” His hand grips my shoulder and I stop walking again. “Pay the money and then get rid of her.”

  I nod. I would have to get rid of her eventually, but that didn’t solve this problem.

  “You know if I pay, it won’t stop; they will want more.”

  He nods in agreement. “I’ll be there when we make the transaction.”

  “Where do we make it?” I ask.

  “I’m sure I won’t have to wait long for a text, but in the meantime you need to find out everything about this girl.”

  Dread pools in my stomach and I walk over to a bin and throw in the paper cup. We don’t speak as two joggers move past us. The two women smile at us and giggle once they pass.

  “She has no one,” I say, turning back to Gage.

  “Obviously she does.” I hate the prick for being right. Some fucker was watching us. I didn’t think it was a fluke. They must have known her. Maybe she had people who cared about her.

  I nod again as a man walks past us with a large black dog.

  “Will you come home for Christmas?”

  I hadn’t been home in three years. The more I was away from people, the more I wanted to stay away. “I’ll see.” I give Gage the same answer I always do. “Will you?”

  He looks surprised at my question. I suppose I never ask. “Yeah, I always do, Dean.”

  “Oh, fuck off using my name.” I look away from him. He’s pulling that big brother crap with the tone in his voice. I don’t have to answer to anyone, especially not him.

  “When I hear from our mystery blackmailer, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, try to figure out as much about the girl as you can.”

  “There was nothing in the building?” I ask, feeling frustration claw at me. I run my hand along my beard.

  “The butt of a fag.”

  “Can you get someone to analyze it?” I ask.

  Gage stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets. “I don’t have those kinds of contacts.”

  “Yet, you know a guy who burnt off your fingerprints.”

  Gage grins at me. “It was a surgeon and I got skin graft done.”

  I shrug. “You still know dodgy as fuck people.”

  “I’ll ask around.” Gage finally answers. We’ve walked the full circle around the park. I’m ready to get back to Kate. I’m picturing her making me food. Waiting for me to return.

  “What are you smiling for?” Gage asks.

  I hadn’t realized I was. “Nothing. Let me know if you hear anything.” I finish off as we reach the mouth of the park. I don’t say goodbye as I walk back to my car.

  I hate the thought of having to question her. Her name is Kate I remind myself as I climb into the car and slam the door behind me. I turn on the engine as the first sign of rain mists across the windshield.

  I need to kill her. Keeping her isn’t an option. The engine kicks to life and I pull away from the sidewalk and make my way back home, knowing I’m not going to kill her—I’m not fit to. If I was, I would have pulled the trigger up on that roof and disposed of her. Killing her had never been an option. She isn’t a contract or a means to an end. No one had paid me to take her out. Where that left me, I’m not exactly sure.



  The moment he leaves, I’m scrambling. I hear the click of the door as I step into the hallway. The blanket is forgotten, it’s left discarded on the bathroom floor. My steps are measured as I make my way slowly up to the kitchen. The beat of my heart is too loud in my ears. I can’t think straight. All I can think about is freedom. All I can think about is getting away from this madness. The empty space has the realization that I am alone for the first time hitting me fully. With tears in my eyes, I swallow down my panic and try to think about my next move. The drawer comes away quickly in my hands in my haste to search for a weapon. The contents spill across the kitchen floor, the noise has panic and fear rising in me. Falling to my knees I gather up the drawer’s contents, when my hand touches the silver pendant given to me by my father. This time my eyes burn and I can’t stop the onslaught of emotion and tears. Tears stream down my cheeks, the salty liquid finds its way into my mouth and slowly soaks into my soul. I can’t read the inscription on the back of the pendant, with my finger I move it back and forth over my name. Scarlett.

  I have always hated the smell of a hospital. It seems to mold itself with his
crooked smile. The white gown with small blue dots drained the remaining color from his face. I always tried to mentally prepare myself for what I would find on the other side of the door. I knew one day I would open that door and he would be gone. That fear that held me daily, finally cut the air off from entering my lungs. That day had so much more significance to me because it wasn’t simply about losing my father, it was about losing my only friend, the only person who mattered to me in the world.

  I wipe tears from my face using the back of my hand as I frantically try to put everything back in the drawer. Releasing my necklace is painful, my fingers remain tight around the heart, the jagged edges pushing into my flesh. The bite of the pain has me rising and putting the drawer back.

  My feet slap against the wooden floor as I enter the gun room. I don’t hesitate as I take a gun from the wall and aim it at the floor, my heart pounds as I pull the trigger. The click of the gun is loud in the space, replacing it back on the wall I take down another gun and repeat the process. Each click has my heart jumping around in my chest. Each click has my disappointment growing and my hope for release dwindles by the second.

  I leave the gun room and race to the bathroom. My hand dips into the tank and I pull out the razor blade and hold it tightly in my fingers. It’s all I have. It is my only weapon. I can use it against him or I can use this against my own mind. I know deep down that no matter what, I won’t survive this. He isn’t going to let me go. I shiver now as the cold from the tiles beneath my bare feet penetrate my flesh. I think maybe the cold is rising quicker through my system because of the fear.

  Fear of not knowing what is going to happen to me. I have no idea how long he will be gone and something is telling me I won’t get this opportunity again. I won’t find myself alone. I spend the next while moving from room-to-room searching for something I can use as a weapon. A gym. It feels like Christmas. The heavy equipment would do some serious damage. Walking over I pick up what I think is called a dumbbell; it’s heavy in my hands and I raise it slowly above my head before lowering it back down.