Claiming Amber (A Broken Heart Book 2) Read online

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  “Why did you tell my men you knew Mikael?”

  I now pulled up my other foot and looked at my chipped toenail polish. It was another thing to add to the list of things to do. I looked at Emmett. He wasn’t looking at me directly; he focused on my hands as they massaged my feet. He looked baffled and I don’t know why I smiled, but it dissolved off my face when he looked at me. I let my feet go, sitting up straight. “So they would leave him alone. Honestly, I don’t understand why I’m being treated like a criminal?”

  “It's simple protocol, Miss Green, to question any guest after such an incident.” Bullshit.

  “I never said his name.” I folded my arms across my chest now. Emmett’s hands reappeared, and he fixed his gold cuffs. The letter H, engraved in a striking red on both of them, caught my gaze. It was yet another symbol of how far apart our worlds were.

  “My men told me.” He looked up at me now.

  “Oh, so they knew him?” I questioned. Two could play this game.

  “Yes, they did and now I have established that you didn’t know him.” He said it like a question, as if I had lied.

  “Exactly, I’m glad we got all that cleared up.” A muscle flexed in Emmett’s jaw. So, he had facial muscles after all. His irritation was visible in his tightening jaw. I didn't hide my own irritation with this situation. “Are we done?” I snapped as I got off the bed. I kept my arms folded, emphasizing that we were done here.

  “For now,” he finally said. What did that mean? I didn’t comment on it, he was draining me.

  “Oh, and when your men brought up my things, they never gave me my newspaper.” I swallowed when Emmett looked at me with the unsettling stare that I wanted to look away from, but I didn’t.

  “Apologies. If you let reception know what paper it was, we would gladly replace it.” His tone told me he didn’t give a shit.


  “I want that one back. I spent ages looking for jobs and circling them. I could just buy another one. I wouldn’t have asked, only for all the time I spent on it.” I shifted as he looked like he was considering it. Patience, I told myself.

  “I will look into it, Miss Green.” He said once more as he moved away from me, closing the door as he left my room.

  “It’s Amber,” I told the closed door. Fucking Miss Green. I wanted to kill her, so I didn’t have to hear that annoying name ever again.


  “Riley, who cleaned away the table that Miss Green had occupied today?” Riley tapped away on her keyboard as I waited.

  “Jack, Mr. Harrington.” Riley smiled now.

  “Get him for me,” I told her and looked away, examining the lobby. I had ordered two more men to be stationed close to the doors; we didn’t need bad publicity. Any guest who had witnessed the incident got a complementary night free. I looked at the tables myself as I waited for Jack to arrive. I remembered the boy. I had interviewed him myself last week, and he had potential, but just needed a bit of guidance. Me guiding him wasn’t the best start for the boy.

  “Mr. Harrington.”

  “You tidied over this area after the incident?” I questioned. I watched as Jack gulped before answering.

  “Yes, Mr. Harrington.”

  “Did you find a newspaper?” I asked, trying to soften my tone a little, without letting him think that I was a pushover.

  “Yes.” Jack’s brows drew close together.

  “I need it,” I told him, he paused. “If there is a problem Jack, you need to tell me.”

  “No Sir, I’ll just be a moment.” He left swiftly, and I sat in the lobby waiting. I was surprised when he handed me the newspaper a few moments later, a smile on his face. I had really expected it to be thrown out. Had he climbed into a bin for it? “I got it, Mr. Harrington.” Eager to please.

  “Thank you, Jack. Let Frank know that I’m ready to leave.”

  “Yes, sir.” He left.

  I didn’t open the newspaper. Instead, I placed it under my arm before leaving the hotel.


  After Emmett left, I took a shower, my mind on Mikael and his baby. My hand ran over my tattoo that was on the inside of my thigh. I didn’t want to visit the dark part of my mind where my demons hung out, drinking tequila and messing with my head. The phone ringing in my room had me switching off the water and wrapping myself in a fluffy dressing gown. Demons were forgotten momentarily as I grabbed a towel for my hair and wrapped it tightly around my head as I made my way to the hotel phone.

  “Hello?” Static. “Hello?” I said again, feeling a shiver snake up my back.

  “Miss Green.” The know-it-all tone of Emmett had my annoyance growing.

  “Yes.” I snapped into the phone.

  “It’s Emmett Harrington.”

  “I know. Did you find my newspaper?” I sat on the bed, keeping my fingers crossed.

  “I do apologize, but it was binned.”

  I felt far more disappointment than I should have. I would have to get the paper tomorrow, but there was no guarantee that any of the jobs that I had circled would still be there. “Okay, thanks for checking.” I was just about to hang up when his voice stopped me.

  “I actually have a proposal for you.” Did he sound nervous?

  “Are you hitting on me?” I smiled into the phone. I could just imagine the look on his face.

  “No, it’s of a professional nature.” God, he was so serious.

  “I was joking, Emmett. I didn’t really think you were hitting on me.” Silence. I wondered if he had hung up. “Hello?”

  “I have a nursing position that needs to be filled immediately.”

  Surprise flittered through me and I sat down on the side of the bed. “In a hotel?”

  “No Miss Green, in one of my gyms. One of our nurses is leaving and we need to fill the position.”

  I chewed on my nail. “A gym? I couldn’t imagine many injuries occurring in a gym, to be honest. What would I do all day?”

  “I’d hardly offer the job if there was no work. You will be kept busy.” This sounded as dodgy as hell.

  “Is this legit?” I had to ask.

  “Yes, Miss Green. Why would you think it wasn’t?” He sounded slightly pissed now, but then again it was hard to tell, he always sounded pissed. “I will leave my offer with you. Just let me know by the morning.”

  “Hello?” The line was dead. Did he just hang up on me? “Rude!” I told the phone before placing it on the receiver. Did I just really get offered a job after being turned down by several others? I couldn’t get a clearance cert because I had two drunk and disorderly penalties against me. Now I had a chance to start working again, get a place, and pay Emmett back the bail money I owed him.

  I got off the bed and grabbed my phone, ready to text Grace but she had texted me already. TWICE.

  Soul sisters for life girl. x I do have news, funny enough, but I want to meet up and tell you in person.

  The second message.

  Soul sister my ass. If you were really my soul sister, you would answer me unless you are getting all freaky with someone, then I forgive you and we are still soul sisters.

  I quickly texted back.

  I wasn’t getting freaky with anyone, it’s a long story but the bottom line is your brother offered me a job in one of his GYMS???? Is this a trick? Cause he has the potential to be a serial killer. Oh, can’t wait for your news, and don’t ever mess about us not being soul sisters. The universe wouldn’t like that, and if the universe becomes pissed, I am pointing my finger at you and looking the other way.

  I got dressed for bed, after tonight's events, exhaustion tugged at me. Once I was settled in I picked up my phone as it had dinged five minutes before. I opened up Grace’s message.

  Yeah, he does have a gym, but I can’t believe he offered you a job. LOL. He isn’t a serial killer. You’re so mean girl. But what happened with Columbia’s hospital? We really need to meet up. I feel like we haven’t spoken in ages and clearly, I am missing a lot here? The
finger that you are pointing at me will turn to rubber with my magical powers, me and the universe will stand as one and laugh at you with your rubbery finger.

  I knew Grace would have lots of questions, but I wasn’t ready to tell her I lost my job. But I would when we met up. I picked up the hotel phone, not sure how exactly I was meant to go about letting Mr. High and Mighty know that I would accept his proposal. “Reception, how may I help you?”

  “Hi, It’s Amber Green, I was wondering if I could speak to Emmett, please.”

  “One moment, Miss Green.” I was put on hold.

  “Miss Green.” The new voice was Emmett’s, and I had a moment where I wanted to put the phone down. “Amber?” My stomach tightened when he said my name. I wasn’t sure why, but I shook the sensation away.

  “Hi. I accept the job offer.” I held my breath waiting for his response.

  “A car will pick you up in the morning at nine. Mandy, the other nurse, will be informed of your arrival.”

  “Okay great. Hmm, thank you.” For the first time since meeting Emmett, I actually felt grateful to him.

  “Goodnight Miss Green, and don’t be late.” PRICK. Don’t be late? I wasn’t a child.

  He hung up, and I picked up my phone to text Grace.

  Your brother is an asshole, like seriously you did not share the same womb as him. Any-who I accepted the job and I start in the morning. Let me know when it suits to meet up. Miss you girl. HA, I will take my rubbery finger and slap you silly with it, then me, the universe, and Karma will drink tequilas and dance circles around you.



  MANDY GAVE ME a brief but friendly hug when I arrived at the state-of-the-art gym. I wasn’t a touchy-feely kind of person, so the embrace felt awkward. The moment she released me, I looked away and counted three men scattered on different machines. The music overhead filled the space with beats that made you want to dance or, in this case, work harder and faster.

  “I am so glad to have you here,” Mandy said with a huge smile. She flicked her long blond hair across her shoulder and pushed up her red-rimmed glasses with her index finger. She was one of those girls who still looked attractive with glasses. Glasses never worked on me. I didn’t need them, but got a pair just to see, and nope they didn’t work.

  “Thanks. I wasn’t sure what to wear.” I pulled at my cream jumper. I thought maybe we would have uniforms, but looking at Mandy’s black trousers like my own, and t-shirt, I assumed we didn’t, and it made this job seem even sketchier than it already seemed, and it was pretty high on my sketchy radar.

  “We wear what we want; my tip is to be comfortable. Don’t come in wearing heels or skimpy clothes.” She shook her head and narrowed her eyes at the word ‘skimpy.’ I forced a smile. Like what nurse wears heels or skimpy clothes?

  “So, what’s the deal?” I asked and when Mandy straightened up and studied me for a second, I knew shit was about to get real. She nodded at a small station off to the left as we walked. I noticed the three guys watching us.

  “That’s Kirk, Marcus, and JP,” Mandy said without looking back. When we stepped into the room, I noticed the set-up was just like a hospital room. I was seriously impressed as I took in the bed with the surrounding curtain, the monitors, glass cabinet filled with medicines and bandages. A desk with a laptop and phone sat in the corner and a small couch was placed along the wall. I sat down on the couch as Mandy pulled the roller chair out from under the desk.

  “So, there are three of us. Sarah, who is our part-time nurse, she will cover whatever hours we want off, but you will spend most of your time with me.” She gave me a soft smile. “Your salary for your hours will come from either Matthew, who you will meet later, or Philip. Both of them run the Gym. You get three breaks: twenty minutes in the morning and evening, and one hour for lunch.” She gave another smile, before she slid across the floor and pulled open a drawer, removing some paperwork and grabbing a pen, she pushed herself back to me. “So, this is a confidentiality agreement. Mr. Harrington is very private, and gets all of his staff to fill these out.” She dropped the papers onto my lap and handed me the pen. “Any questions?” she asked, and I had like a million, but I had the whole day to ask them. When I didn’t answer she tapped both my knees with her hands and stood. “Okay, I’ll let you read them and, once they are signed, we can chat again.”

  “Great, thanks.” She left, and I looked around the pristine room. It looked to me like it had never been used. That could have been a good sign, or it could be a front for drug money. But employing two nurses didn’t seem like a front, it seemed stupid. I rubbed my forehead and got to work on reading my riveting contract that sat in my lap.

  So basically, nothing that happened here was allowed to be discussed outside this building, all patients I took care of were also not to be discussed. This was pretty standard and the same in all hospitals that I had worked with. The only odd part stated, and I quote:

  “Any doings that take part or thereof within the premises is also confidential and sharing any information with outside parties comes with a penalty.”

  And there was no description of what that penalty might be. So, if Kirk kicked JP in the balls and I witnessed it and told someone, I would face a penalty. It seemed stupid but I was desperate, so I signed the damn papers and left the small room.

  I found Mandy talking to one of the guys as he dried his sweaty neck and face. His green t-shirt had darkened under the arms, the front, and along his spine. He wore baggy shorts that stopped at his knees. His legs were hairy and tanned, like the rest of him. He had a beard that was so thick that it could be hiding a child or two, and his long hair sat in a bun on top of his head. The moment Mandy noticed me she introduced me to Kirk. I took his large, sweaty hand. He seemed a lot younger than I first thought, his eyes a soft brown, and that’s where I detected his youth. He smiled, a flash of white teeth. “So, you will be the one who mends my wounds," he said with a cheeky smile and confident pose. His banter put me at ease.

  “I’ll try, but it really depends on the wounds, Kirk,” I responded, causing him to smile wider.

  “Only gym wounds here,” he told me with a wink before glancing at Mandy, she scowled at Kirk. The exchange between them was odd.

  “What other kind of wounds might I be mending?” I asked Kirk, but it was Mandy who answered.

  “He was referring to his stupid heart.” She shoved Kirk playfully. “He’s such a doofus.”

  I noticed the next guy moving behind Kirk with a smile on his face. He wound up a towel and I could feel it as it snapped against Kirk’s ass. He screamed and jumped away from Mandy and me while rubbing his ass. I laughed at the joke, but not as hard as Mandy, and I eyed her as she slapped her knee and laughed as if it was the funniest thing she’d ever seen. Okay, love, calm down, I wanted to say, but didn’t.

  “JP.” The new arrival extended his hand, and I took it. He had tattooed arms and a haircut, which was shaved either side of his head, decorated with flame tattoos, and had a Mohawk on the top. It all seemed harsh, but his brown eyes were kind. Both eyebrows had been pierced heavily.

  “Amber,” I said as he let my hand go. His front two teeth were slightly crooked, but I think it added to his looks.

  “You’re a dick.” Kirk hissed, still rubbing his ass. He looked pissed with JP, but JP didn’t look worried at all. In fact, he was still smiling as he sauntered away.

  “Hitting the showers if you want to join me.”

  Kirk gave him the finger. “I knew you were gay.” Kirk’s words just caused JP to laugh.

  “Come on.” Mandy led me away from the guys and back to the office. “Just so you know, JP isn’t gay.”

  I glanced at her. “O-K-A-Y.” Her smile had me smiling. “Okay, so are you guys dating?” I asked as we entered the room and she laughed.

  “JP doesn’t date,” she said it in a way that told me she liked it. Everyone to their own, I thought. We hadn’t been in the room a moment when th
e door opened and two men carrying a third entered. Blood soaked the man’s shirt, his body was limp, and his feet trailed along the ground. My mind went straight to the worst-case scenario. This set-up was all wrong. Mikael’s words rang with more truth now.

  “Get him on the bed.” Mandy pulled the sheets off, and the two men did as Mandy said. “Amber, gloves.” I had stood frozen when they had first entered, but her command broke me out of my shock and now I grabbed a pair of gloves from where Mandy had pointed. I had only just managed to put them on when Kirk burst into the room, nearly taking the door of its hinges. It bounced off the wall, making me jump.

  “Is he okay?” Kirk’s pale face and horror-filled words told me he was close to this boy.

  One of the men stood in his way. “Let them work.” Mandy cut the shirt off, but blood ran everywhere I couldn’t see the wound.

  “Towels,” I told the other man, who had helped carry him in. He met my eyes, not sure of me, but got me towels without saying a word. I started to mop up the blood until the wound became visible. “It’s a stab wound.” I told Mandy as I kept the pressure on it.

  She looked slightly guilty, but turned to the rest of them. “Kirk, you need to leave. Jax and Ryan will stay with you. If you want me to save your brother, you all need to leave now.” Her voice was commanding, which seriously shocked me. I wouldn’t have thought that she’d have that kind of authoritative demand, but they all left. Kirk gave her a final look and the trust in his eyes that she would save his brother made me believe that they went through a lot of shit together.