Claiming Amber (A Broken Heart Book 2) Read online

Page 22

  “Thanks, soul sister.”

  “You're welcome, soon to be my real sister.”

  I laughed at her words. “You always have to take it one step further. Couldn’t leave it alone.”

  “Honestly, the way he spoke about you–well I was kind of jealous,” Grace was serious now. Her comment made me sit up and listen. “Not in a sick way,” she grinned. “But like, you got to really know him because he got to know you. You know what I mean?” Grace asked wistfully.

  “I actually do, Hun. And when you get to know him, you are going to love him as much as I do.”

  “So, you do love him?” I heard from the front of the car. I looked up to see that my mother was looking at us in the rear-view mirror.

  “Yes, I do,” I answered, looking at her, and I could see the smile in her eyes. “Very much,” I added, as my heart panged. I was missing him so much.

  I came home to a welcome party. Claire, Laura, Simon, Luke, Derek, and my dad greeted us. It felt like a lifetime since I had seen my friends. They immediately surrounded me and Grace, and we all hugged. Derek, being Derek, hung back watching. He reminded me of a very, very attractive Viking, one who was now engaged to my best friend.

  “No love for me?” I asked him. He wasn’t the hugging type, so when my friends let me go and he hugged me, I was shocked. I had only been joking, so it took me a moment before I wrapped my arms around him.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” He whispered to me, like I could control bullets. But I got what he was saying.

  “She really lost her shit?” I asked, and he nodded, his face strained.

  “No more walks alone,” he added.

  “Are you offering to walk with me, Derek?” I joked.

  “If that's what it takes.”

  I was joking, but he was seriously considering it. His love for Grace was so obvious and remarkable. “I’m joking. No more walks alone, I promise,” I told him.

  “Stop mauling my man,” Grace joked as she beamed up at Derek. It would normally make me sick, their devotion to each other, but now it all made sense, and it made me miss Emmett.

  The welcome home party drained me, and after a few hours, I made my way to my room. Sitting on my bed, I let the silence in and allowed myself to think about everything that had happened. Jesus, it was like something from a movie. Thinking of it all, from the moment I left Emmett’s to the moment I woke up in the hospital, my mind reeled. But the one thing that I kept coming back to, the one thing that stood out was Craig. His betrayal hurt. I wondered if Emmett had ever found him. Is that how he had found me? I had so many unanswered questions. Was he dead? I hoped not. I was so pissed, and would never ever speak to him again, but I didn’t wish anything bad for him. He was messed up on drugs. And the pain that he had caused me, and the betrayal he had just pulled, were indications of just how far down the rabbit hole he had fallen. It wasn’t an excuse, but it made me understand his betrayal a little better. I took my phone out of my pocket and texted the number I had saved from him.

  I hope you’re okay. Then I deleted it.

  I’m alive, if you’re wondering. Deleted that, too.

  I hate you. Deleted.

  I threw the phone on the bed. I wanted so much to type it all, but what good would it do me? He was that far gone that none of it would have even reached him. So, I did the one thing I could. I picked my phone back up and started typing.

  Let me know you’re alive, please. This one I hit send on, before climbing awkwardly into bed. My side was still sore, and I had no morphine drip to dull the pain anymore.

  I woke the next morning to my mother pulling open my curtains and letting light and fresh air in. “Mum seriously?” I said, sitting up, shielding my eyes. She smiled at me like I was a ray of sunshine. Setting the tray down on the locker beside me, she sat on the bed.

  “I love having you home,” She said as she tucked my hair behind my ear. I wanted to swipe her hand away; it made me feel like I was ten years old again. But I knew better than to do it, as my mother would just fuss even more.

  I sighed after taking a sip of the tea she made me. “You always made the best tea,” I complimented as I closed my eyes and let the warm liquid run down my throat.

  She kissed my forehead. “Thank you, baby. Now, enjoy your breakfast. I better go and feed your brother.” I did as my mother asked and enjoyed my breakfast. Scanning my phone, my heart leaped. I had a message.

  It was from Craig. I thought it might have been Emmett, not that he would have a phone in prison, but for a split second I had hoped. After all, he was a very resourceful man. My stomach tightened, picturing his face. I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened Craig’s message. It was like water on a fire.

  What I did is unforgivable, but I’m alive and getting help. Hope to see you one day. Sorry.

  I read and re-read his message, just thinking of what he had done to me, what the drugs made him do. I really hoped he was getting help, for real this time, but I didn’t respond. I was still too hurt. I knew he was alive, and that was enough for now. I put the phone back on the locker and finished my tea.



  IT HAD BEEN a month since Emmett went away. I wasn’t ready to return to work, but I needed to sort my life out. I needed a job, a car, and a place of my own. I knew I was more than welcome to stay at the hotel, but I needed to let the past to rest. I needed to start fresh.

  Getting dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, I tied my hair up.

  “Where are you going?” I heard from behind me. I was tying my runners when my mother entered my room.

  “For a walk. I need fresh air,” I stood, grabbed my phone off the locker, and stuffed it into my pocket.

  “Let me get my jacket.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Mum, seriously, I’m going around the block. I will be fine.”

  “The last time you went walking, you got shot.” My mother pressed her lips together while shaking her head like I was crazy.

  “The last time I went for a walk, I was on a dock. This is our neighborhood; there are kids out in the street playing, for God’s sake. Besides, you can’t walk with me everywhere.”

  “I’m coming, Amber. That’s final,” my mother said, while holding up her hands. That answered that. I wasn’t happy, but I knew that, against my mother when she was in this type of mood, I wasn’t going to win. We made our way downstairs. “Just going for a walk with Amber,” My mother shouted from the front door. My dad grumbled from somewhere in the back of the house, but I couldn’t hear what he said, as he was too far away. It sounded as though he was in the den, maybe. It was Sunday, so everyone was home.

  The air was chilly as we started walking. It may have seemed as though I was walking aimlessly, but I knew where I was going. “How are you feeling?” She finally asked. I knew my mother had been watching me.

  “I’m good, Mum. Please stop worrying,” I smiled at her.

  “Where did you get the jacket?” I had to ask. It was black denim with diamantes and sparkly crap all over it.

  “You like?” she beamed.

  “No. It’s crazy-looking.”

  She stopped, her hands going to her hips. “Your brother said I looked great in it.”

  I snorted before grabbing her arm. I tugged my mother to keep her walking, before someone saw us and decided to beat the crap out of her for wearing such a horrific jacket. “Luke wouldn’t hurt your feelings.”

  “I see you don’t have a problem doing that.” I gave her a pointed look, then gave the same look at the jacket and she looked down at it, then gave a laugh. “I suppose it’s a little loud.”

  I laughed as she looked down at her jacket. “Yeah, just a tad.” We walked around the bend, and I knew the graveyard was coming up soon. My mother spotted it the same time as me, and we both became silent. “Can I have a moment?” I asked her, and she gave me a sad smile.

  “Take all the time you want, love.” She leaned against the wall as I pushed op
en the gate.

  The graves for the babies sat right at the back, an old, large tree covering the tiny graves. I thought of it as God’s umbrella. My body felt like lead as I made my way to Lily’s grave. I didn’t look around me, but kept my head down, focusing on each step as my soul started to change, like it knew I was close to Lily. I willed myself not to cry.

  Holding my breath was making me light-headed. Taking a deep breath and letting the air fill my lungs, I stepped around the large tree. Bark bit into my hand as I let it slide across the surface. But then, as I moved to the grave, I halted. Confusion filled me. Kneeling down, I picked up the single lily that sat on my daughter’s grave. Covering my mouth, I held in the sobs. I never told anyone her name. Only Emmett. I stood up, holding the lily and searched the graveyard, my heart hurting. But no-one was here. But somehow, he had gotten this message to me. He was letting me know that he was with me always, that no matter where he was, I was never alone. My heart swelled with all of the love I felt for him. I only had to wait a few more months, and I would be able to hold him again.

  My mother had waited for me. “You okay?” She asked. I nodded, but she looked at me with suspicion.

  My red, swollen eyes didn't help my cause, so I gave up and simply stated. “Just want to go home.”

  “Okay, baby girl. I’ll take you home.” My mother placed her hand around my waist and we walked slowly, in silence, back to the house. A black Bentley sat in the drive. My mother was the first to straighten. My throat tightened. “Who, in God’s name, is here?” My mother made her way up the drive, but I was frozen. When she noticed I wasn’t behind her, she stopped. “Amber?”

  My name broke me out of my frozen state. My chest tightened, and my heart pounded as I raced past my mother. She was still calling my name. I burst through the door and looked into the front sitting room. My heart dropped when I saw that it was empty. “Is that you, sweetheart?” My dad called from the den.

  “Yeah it is, Dad,” I yelled back, heading to the kitchen, hoping that I would find him there. My father’s next statement, though, had me stopping in my tracks.

  “You have a visitor.” My heart was pounding uncontrollably. I spun on my heels and headed to the den, almost falling in my haste.

  When I turned the corner, there he was. I stopped for only a second before launching myself into Emmett’s arms. I didn’t care that my father and brother stood there, watching. Emmett was holding me back. He held me tight, but I could feel the distance, and it was what I needed not to break down crying in his arms. “You went to the grave?” I whispered, while touching a scar over his eyebrow. It was the only mark on his perfect face. He didn’t answer straight away, but searched my face, like he was looking for anything different.

  “Yes, before I came here,” he finally replied. My hand lingered on his face. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but my mother’s loud throat-clearing made me settle my raging hormones. She didn’t look impressed. That’s when I remembered my father and Luke were in the room. Dad looked terrified while Luke grinned.

  “And this is?” Attitude sprang from my mother’s mouth.

  “Emmett Harrington, Grace’s brother. A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Green.” He moved across the room, taking my mother’s hand. She was impressed. I fucking wasn’t. Grace’s brother? What happened to Amber’s boyfriend? I was pissed, to say the least.

  “Grace’s brother, meet my father, Bill, and my brother, Luke.” The slow grin on Emmett’s face angered me more, and I wanted nothing more than to slap it off. I knew he understood what I was pissed about. The sarcasm I had put behind his title would have been noticed by even the thickest person. My anger didn’t last long, however, when he turned back to my mother ignoring my introductions.

  “I’m also dating your daughter. I wasn’t sure if she had mentioned me.” Now he looked at me, and I felt slightly like a dick. “So, I wasn’t going to say anything until she did.”

  “Well, what a gentleman you are. It’s nice to meet you,” my mother had thawed out a bit. “Why don’t I make us all tea?”

  Emmett smiled at that. I preferred anything but sitting here with my family and Emmett, but I didn’t have a choice. I sat on the couch and offered Emmett a seat beside me. He took it, amusement still in his eyes. My father, who is normally quiet, grilled him. What was his job? What age was he? Who were his parents? To say I was mortified was an understatement. Luke, on the other hand, was a typical boy; he was fascinated with the car.

  After we had tea and Mum got to quiz Emmett, who answered everything as if he was at ease, he left with Luke to let him drive the car. Both my parents protested, but Emmett assured them it was fine.

  My parents and I sat in awkward silence. “Say something,” I finally said. I needed this to be over. I needed them to approve.

  “I’m surprised you never mentioned you were dating anyone.” The underlying, ‘especially someone like him,’ wasn’t lost on me.

  “I had other things on my mind. And he was away on business, so...” I trailed off.

  “I don’t care how much money he has. As long as he treats my baby girl well, I’ll be a happy momma.” My mother moved beside me, and side-hugged me. “We are happy for you baby,” my mother added. When my father didn’t chime in, my mother said his name in a warning tone.

  “Yeah, of course, I am happy for her, but I am her father and I will never think anyone is ever good enough for my baby girl.”

  “While he’s outside, sweetheart, you should change into something nicer,” my mother said in a gentle tone. I looked down at myself and realized that she was right. I looked homeless. Emmett, on the other hand, was in a suit like he normally was. I kissed her on the cheek and surprised my dad by doing the same before racing up the stairs. I slowed down in my room, my side aching slightly. I slid into black trousers, a green jumper, and black boots. Letting my hair down, I spent a bit of time on doing my makeup.

  When I arrived downstairs, Emmett was back, and the laughter that was flowing from the den had me pausing outside. I smiled. This was more than I could have ever dreamed of. This was perfect. He was perfect. I walked in, and Emmett watched me even as my family continued to speak. He never even blinked until I sat down beside him. “Why don’t we give these kids some room?” I could have kissed my mum as she stood, gathering cups. My father got up and helped her. Luke lingered, and when mum and dad left, I narrowed my eyes.

  “I think she meant you, too.”

  “Yeah, she did, but I like seeing you squirm,” Luke teased as he got up and ruffled my hair like I was a kid. I wanted to punch him.

  Emmett was staring at me when I turned to him. I had waited for a month for this, to be alone with him, and now that we were, I was nervous. I had so much to say, but I didn’t get say anything as he kissed me, taking my breath away. That kiss alone had me relaxing and taking all my nerves away.

  His hands clutched my face, and I clung to his strong shoulders.

  “You're all I thought about, day and night, for the last month,” he said between kisses. “Every day,” he kissed me again. “Every hour,” another kiss, this one gentler. “You kept me going.” When he placed his forehead against mine, I was breathless not just from his kiss, but his words.

  “I missed you too,” I said, and a slow grin built upon his face.

  “Don’t hold back,” he joked.

  I smiled before kissing him. “I love you, Emmett Harrington. You consume me.” I confessed.

  His eyes were intense. “That’s more like it,” he told me, and my stomach tightened. I wanted him so badly, but not here. “Ready to go home?” Those words were like heaven, and it finally dawned on me that home was wherever he was.

  “Yeah, let’s go home.” He beamed this time, my heart pounding. Butterflies had taken to the air in my stomach. No one had ever made me feel more alive than Emmett did. I didn’t believe anyone ever would. It was only Emmett.

  Do you want to read more about Craig?

  Taking Laura (A Broken Hear
t Series Book Three)

  Miss the first book? Want to read about Derek & Grace?

  Saving Grace ( A Broken Heart Series Book One)

  Taking Laura

  This world breeds monsters in the form of men. There is no justice or revenge or higher power that will intervene. The only thing you can do is walk away and leave everything you know and love behind...

  So that's what I did.

  Laura signs herself into a psychiatric ward. All she wants is to sleep at night and not fear what was to come. To her, the high gates and security means safety. That is until she meets Craig.

  Craig is a recovering addict who has been clean for a year. The walls of the hospital offer him safety. He knows that when he leaves, he might not survive. His group of friends and everyday routine becomes his salvation. That is until he meets Laura.

  Thrown together in a group assignment they must learn about each other, but they soon learn a lot about themselves and the picture isn't always pretty.

  Can you truly fix something that wasn't just broken but shattered?

  Do you want to read more about Craig?

  Taking Laura (A Broken Heart Series Book Three)


  I’ve tried so hard to bury my past.

  But nothing stays buried forever...

  It’s been two years since I lost so much. Two years since I started a new life, in a new college, with a new group of friends. Two years, and now my troubles are rushing back.

  When Derek walked into my life, he made me feel things I’d hoped never to feel again. The box I hid all my secrets in is opening, and I don’t think I am able to keep it shut this time.