Claiming Amber (A Broken Heart Book 2) Read online

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  “You will tell Emmett what you just told me.”

  My panic went into full-fledged mode and I dug my feet into the ground. “No! Let me go, Kirk.”

  He didn’t let me go but stopped dragging me. “He’ll kill me. I mean nothing to him; I beg you don’t do this.” Kirk studied me for a moment again. I don’t know what he saw but he let me go roughly. My balance was thrown off and I landed heavily on the ground. My backside throbbed, along with my arm. Kirk stood over me, fighting an internal battle, his eyes blazing. As I continued to stare up at him, helplessly, I realized my mistake. Telling him the truth hadn't achieved anything. If anything, I had just made them worse.

  He bent over me, finger pointed. “If I find out Emmett was part of this, I will kill him, too.” His finger shook as he spoke. Threating Emmett to me was pointless. I didn’t like him threatening Emmett either, but I kept that all to myself. I was sitting on the ground defenseless, alone, and frightened.

  Something moved behind Kirk, getting my attention. Emmett. I quickly got up, grabbing at Kirk’s pointed finger, trying to hide him from Emmett. He looked at me and his eyes flared, but then his confusion faded when he heard the approaching footsteps.

  “I fell, Kirk was helping me,” I quickly said once I stood. I let go of Kirk's hand and forced a grateful smile that neither man returned. Kirk stormed off, and I watched him go until he exited the gate safely. Emmett hadn’t spoken yet, but once the gate closed, he was there taking up all the space I had. There was no escape for me.

  “I told you to stay upstairs.” I looked up at him and quickly looked away. I wanted to punch him, or scream at him, or both.

  “I want to leave,” I finally said without looking at him.

  “Look at what happened the last time you did.” Emmett spoke softly, and I shivered before wrapping my arms around myself. The words cut me; I would never forget what happened.

  “Come inside, you’re cold.” Emmett didn’t move, he knew I wasn’t cold or going inside. I knew he was just trying to buy time so he could talk me out of my decision.

  “I want to go home.” God, I sounded so pitiful, but the word home formed a lump in my throat. I wasn’t sure if it was because it wasn’t the truth. I wanted my home when it was simple, now I really had no home. Emmett stared at me, and I wondered if the man I was looking back at was as cruel as the ones who had taken me. You didn’t become a boss by being nice.

  “Soon Amber,” he sounded apologetic–slightly. I didn't fight back. I wanted to feel the safety that he had given me only a few hours ago. Now it was gone because I had thought he was safe. I thought he would protect me against Matthew, but that was a dangerous and stupid thought.


  “Liam’s body is ready, sir, and Joe is waiting for you,” Michael spoke from the doorway of the library. I faced the wall of books, searching the spines for answers that they didn’t have. The feeling I was having was one I didn’t want. I felt conflicted. After convincing Amber to come inside, I had left her in the care of Mandy. Something in her eyes earlier told me she didn’t trust me anymore, that she was afraid of me. That was a first. I liked her because she didn’t fear me, she insulted me, stood up to me, but now she feared me. Why? My answer was Matthew. He was in so deep he couldn’t see how sloppy he had become. I couldn’t call him out yet. The timing was everything, and I couldn’t let any of them know that I knew, as that would endanger everyone here. God ,what a mess this had all become.

  “Thank you, Michael,” I turned as Michael left, and Amber surprised me by bursting into the room, her green eyes blazing. I held still and just watched her, how she played with her thumb ring as she strode angrily towards me.

  “You’re going to Russia?” Her chest rose and fell fast, each rise capturing my attention. Her fingers clicked angrily in my face. “Hello,” she said, while her hand fell to her hip, her earlier fear removed, it had been replaced with panic.

  “Yes, Amber I am. You will be perfectly safe here.”

  She huffed while shaking her head. “Yeah, right.” She walked away but I couldn’t let her go. She froze when my fingers circled her wrist. The drum of her heart skyrocketed under my fingers as she first looked at my hand and then my face.

  “You don’t think my men can protect you?”

  She wanted to tell me something; the struggle was visible. I knew exactly what she wanted to tell me, but once again I could see the distrust in her eyes. It nearly killed me. “I don't know. Can they?”

  “They can. Michael, my personal bodyguard, will be with you while I’m gone.” I trusted him with my life, so I would trust him with Amber’s, but she didn’t look so sure. Her skin felt soft, and I found my thumb stroking small circles that caused the drum of her heart to beat faster. It was a pleasing reaction to my touch.

  “No harm will come to you, Amber, as long as you stay within these walls.”

  Her eyes darted from my fingers to my face; it was amusing to see her getting flustered. “I need to ring Grace.” I let her wrist go. The change in subject startled me. My sister wasn’t a topic I was comfortable with.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because she’s probably in a state wondering what happened to me."

  “I can assure you she’s not. I spoke to Grace explaining you were with me and your phone was broken but that you would call her soon."

  “And she believed that?” She sounded so doubtful, and she was right.

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “That’s my girl,” Amber sounded proud, and I found myself smiling at the love she had for my sister. Her reaction to my smile was a quick intake of breath and she looked away, focusing on the room, yet glancing back at me every so often. I stopped smiling, not sure if her reaction was good or bad.

  “So, what did you tell her?” Amber seemed more put together when she spoke.

  “Sir," I looked up impatiently at Michael, who held up an apologetic hand.

  “Coming now, Michael,” I told him before answering Amber. “I told her I was covering for you, that you got arrested again and I was doing everything to get you out.”

  Her mouth opened slightly. “And she believed you?”

  “Yes, Amber she did.” I hid the smile that wanted to reappear at her outraged face that soon turned into a shrug.

  “Fair is fair,” she said. I didn’t understand that statement, but I could only assume she meant okay.

  “I better go,” I said and the panic that I had seen earlier returned.

  “If you need me, Michael can reach me,” I told her, and she looked slightly relieved. I didn’t want to leave, but I had to. She didn’t answer me, only turned away, but not before I saw the tears in her eyes. Something tugged in my chest.

  “Amber.” She looked at me. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. I just knew I needed to say something, but nothing came, instead I found her face in my hands, her green eyes sparkling up at me. She was holding her breath, in fear or anticipation, I wasn’t sure. I brushed a kiss across her forehead before letting her go and leaving the room.



  I STAYED IN the library long after Emmett left. His kiss still lingered on my forehead. What it meant left me feeling confused towards him. I had to remind myself that he was my best friend’s brother. He was also weird, and maybe even a killer. Catching feelings for him right now wasn’t healthy.

  “Miss Green.” I rolled my eyes at the title. Having Michael here made me feel a little bit safer, though.

  “Michael, if we are going to spend time together, you have to call me Amber. Okay?”

  He eyed me and grinned, only one side of his mouth rising. “Sure thing, Amber.” I didn’t like how he looked at me, and after Simon, my alarm bells were ringing.

  “You understood that you have to protect me at all costs?” I remind him.

  His grin vanished, and he shrugged. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Because you, being so close to Emmett, understand what I mean to him
. The real truth?” I added and nodded, like he knew what I was talking about. But he didn’t want to look silly, so when he spoke, I could see his confusion. Of course, he didn’t know I was lying through my teeth. I had no idea what I meant to Emmett. What I did know was that he knew how much I meant to Grace.

  “Yeah, yeah of course I know.” He pulled at the collar of his jacket and shrugged. “I’ve got this.” He was all business now.

  “Good.” Maybe this would be easy. I wanted to demand his phone, but that would be pushing the boat out just a tad too far, so I gave him a sweet smile and his grin returned. “Thanks, Michael. You’re the best.”

  “Sure thing,” he responded, still grinning. I just hoped this didn’t come back to bite me in the ass.

  Everywhere I went, Michael walked behind me. It started to get old quick, but my life was on the line, after all. I hadn’t seen Matthew or Kirk since Emmett’s departure. The only faces I recognized now were Mandy and JP, who had cozied up, and I wasn’t in the humor to be around lovers. If I was a book girl, I could have read myself into oblivion, but I read only when really relaxed.

  So, I wandered the huge house. Everything screamed money and smelled old, not in the musty sense, but the money sense. I found myself on the wing where Emmett slept. I had only ever been in there the day after he had brought me home from being captured. This area was off-limits. Five doors lined the hall, all closed. One was his bedroom. The other four, my mind conjured up torture chambers and rooms filled with secrets. I glanced at Michael who looked uneasy, but didn’t say anything.

  I opened a door into a sitting room, the interior like the rest of this mansion. Sterile–void of a personality. The tables either side of the high-back couch held lamps, no magazines, no pictures, or ornaments. Over the fireplace sat a large mirror. Nothing decorated the top of the fireplace. I ran my finger along the ledge and it came away spotless. The cushions on the couch sat all perfectly apart. It annoyed me, but it was Emmett. I messed them up and smiled. That felt better.

  “I don’t think we should be in here,” Michael sounded nervous.

  “Relax, Emmett brings me in here all the time,” I lied. Michael didn't swallow it. He gave me a doubtful look. “Ring him then,” I said at his hesitation, and he shrugged again.

  “That’s not necessary.” His shrug was his tell-tale sign that he wasn’t sure what to do, but he didn’t want to look foolish, so he was going along with it. I sat on a large Queen Ann and looked around the perfect room. I couldn’t live like this; it all felt too structured. I moved on to the next room, Michael on my heels. I swear, I think he was sweating at every door I opened. I was enjoying this far too much. The next room was a gym. State-of-the-art machines, a wall of mirrors, all spotless, perfect and pristine. So, I deliberately left a few handprints on the mirrors as petty revenge. A shocked Michael looked at the handprint like it was a bomb, and I patted him on the back.

  “Relax I told you, it’s fine for me to be here.” I opened the next door. This room surprised me. White walls, red carpet. No windows, no furniture. I walked around the room, running my hands along the wall. My eyes scanned the floor. Nothing. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but it was just weird.

  “I think we should go join everyone else.” Michael hadn’t entered the room; he stood in the doorway looking all nervous. I left the empty room and tried door number five, but it was locked. It must have been his office. “Miss Green.” Michael sounded impatient now; I was pushing too hard, so I smiled at him.

  “Yeah, let’s join everyone else.” He grinned now, the relief visible in his brown eyes.


  Kirill clapped his hands before rubbing them together. “Mr. Harrington, I didn’t think you would deliver…” Liam’s body had started to smell, and I wanted nothing more than to zip up the body bag and take him back away from here. He didn’t deserve this. “…but you did,” he added when I didn’t speak. Two of his men moved towards Liam. I didn’t move.

  “You just wanted the proof, the body goes home with me,” I said, and Kirill laughed while shaking a fat finger at me, one I wanted to break.

  “Now now, Mr. Harrington. This is my country. You don’t make demands here.” They zipped up the body bag, Liam’s blue face gone. Kirk would never forgive me for this, but there wasn’t much I could do. When I stood still, Kirill slapped me on the back. “That’s a good boy.” He moved me away from the plane that we had gathered around and to a waiting car. I hadn’t planned on staying.

  I got into the car, the heat biting. I removed my gloves and stretched out my fingers. “I have important business at home, Mr. Kirill.” He opened a silver box, removing a cigar and lighter. I had to sit still and wait as he lit it and took several puffs.

  “Is this not important, Mr. Harrington? Hmm.”

  “Yes of course,” I spoke carefully, and he smiled while taking another long puff of his cigar.

  “This is why I like you. You show me nothing. No fear, no emotion. Nothing. Yet you say and do all the right things…” he smiled now. “…like a robot.” He laughed at his own joke. When I didn’t react, he pointed the cigar at me, waving smoke around the car, which filled up quickly. “See? Nothing.” His smile vanished, and he moved closer, the hot cigar close to my face. “I wonder, do you feel pain, Mr. Harrington?”

  Now I smiled at him, “I’m a man, Kirill.”

  The cigar moved closer to me. “Yes, a man, but one with remarkable control.” He moved away, and my relief had my stomach settling, but I didn’t shift in my chair like I wanted to, or release a large breath. I let it out slowly, controlled it. I had learned a long time ago that these men lived on the fear of others. It was something I wouldn’t give them.

  “The delivery will arrive in three days,” he handed me a piece of paper that I took. “The address.” I briefly looked at it, it was a dock not far from my compound. It was on my turf. “The Black Bloods will meet you at the port. I want you to finalize the delivery."

  “I have never dealt with them; they won’t trust me.” My composure slipped as irritation coated my words. The Black Bloods were a notorious Motorcycle club. They had their turf, I had mine, and we generally tried to avoid each other. I really didn’t want to get involved with them.

  “Then I would advise you to get friendly with them beforehand. They will be very surprised to be meeting an American, and one who is so powerful.” He took another puff, making my eyes sting, but I could still see his fat, smiling face.

  “I have no power, Mr. Kirill. You must know that.” I said calmly. Maybe he wanted me dead.

  “Your name, Mr. Harrington, carries the power, and they do not know you have cut ties with your father. For your safety, I would keep it that way.” I didn’t speak, and the monster in me screamed and rattled its cage to get out. It wanted to hurt Kirill. I kept calm. “I will be in touch.” I moved quickly with the smoke out of the car into fresh air and walked to the plane without looking back. The pilot, on seeing me, started the engine as I climbed the steps and boarded the plane that would take me back to America and a mess I wasn’t sure I could contain.



  WHEN I WOKE up, I felt like shit. Michael sat on a chair outside my bedroom door; he looked like he had a good eight hours of sleep. He greeted me cheerfully. I only managed to grunt back. I needed a cup of tea before I started to function like a normal human being. The silence around the house really felt peaceful. I didn’t complain, as the constant chatter and movements of people in the house would get to anyone eventually.

  I searched each room I passed. When I reached the kitchen, I sat down with disappointment heavy on my shoulders. I was looking for him, for Emmett. I needed to stop this.


  I did a little more exploring after I drank my tea. Michael trailed behind me. I didn’t mind his presence today, but Matthew lingered around the house, and I had caught his eye a few times, making me feel uncomfortable. I think he was watching me.
/>   As I entered the room, a dazzlingly blue indoor swimming pool spanned out amongst pristine marble tiles. I was stunned. It was beautiful. I let out a long whistle. “This place has its own pool?”

  Michael grinned, relaxing. “You getting in, Amber?”

  I sauntered around the pool, glancing at him over my shoulder. “Are you?” I asked, and he smiled.

  “I have to go where you go.”

  I rolled my eyes as I slipped off boots and socks. Sitting down on the edge of the pool, I dangled my feet in. The water was heated, and it had a rhythm to it that lapped against my feet, like the movement of water at the beach. I wondered if Emmett had put in this feature intentionally. Did it mean he liked the beach? I needed to stop thinking about him. “Do you know what I would love right now, Michael?” I asked as he moved closer still smiling, still hopeful. “Space. Time alone. Could you please wait outside the pool area so I can go for a swim?”

  “You don’t have any swimwear.” And I doubted Emmett had stocked some for me, during the chaos to get me here. I stared at Michael without answering and color entered his cheeks. “Are you going nude?” he asked, even as his cheeks darkened.

  I laughed, like really laughed. “No I’m not,” I said and did something I hadn't intended to do. I dived into the pool fully clothed. I swam to the end of the pool. I felt such freedom in it.

  When I came up for air, Michael still stood where I had left him. “You’re not right in the head,” he said, while pointing to his own head. I laughed again, before swimming another length in my clothes. Now the jeans and sweater didn’t feel as free as they first had, I wanted to strip down, but I couldn’t do that with Michael standing watch.