Fearless: An Irish Mafia Romance (Wild Irish Book 3) Page 8
“No thank you.” I don’t wait for this conversation to get anymore awkward. I leave but the sting to my backside has me standing up straighter. When I turn, I expect to see blondie but it’s his friend.
“Get to work,” he says while he sits back.
My chest tightens and sweat has gathered between my shoulder blades.
“What are you looking at?” His question is taunting.
“Leave her alone.” Blondie comes to my defense, but he looks uncomfortable as he runs his hands through his hair.
I move before I hit him with the tray. I’m waiting for someone to say something to me as I move back through the room. In my head I think everyone just witnessed what happened. But as I move around the growing crowd, people are in their own conversations, smiles fill their faces and alcohol fills their mouths.
Once I reach the bar my fingers grip the counter. I focus on the cold old wood, as I move my fingers in the direction where the carvings along the edge take me.
My heart falls back into a normal rhythm and I release the tray, placing it on the bar, before running my hand across the top of my head and down my ponytail. I need to pull my shit together. Looking up, I keep my eye on my table and wait for the nod that I dread.
“This place is crazy.” Sinead moves beside me. Her blond hair is up in a high ponytail but unlike mine hers sways perfectly. The shine of her hair reflects the light. Lips smeared in pink lipstick grin at me. “It’s such fun, isn’t it?” She asks me.
I force a smile. “Yeah, it’s great.”
Simon the barman moves down to us. “What do you ladies need?”
“Vodka with a dash of coke and a beer.” She orders and he moves away to get her order. I take a peek back at my table, blondie meets my eye and nods.
“You want to swap tables?” I ask Sinead sweetly but her own smile falls.
Her eyes narrow. “We have to stay at our assigned tables.”
“I don’t remember hearing that.”
“Well I do.” She snaps her head, her ponytail moving quickly as she faces forward.
The crowd seems to grow closer as I hold the tray to my chest and make my way to my table.
“Two martinis’?” I say with a smile to make this as quick as possible.
“Yeah thanks Ciara.” Blondie still smiles at me.
“No. I want…” His friend takes up the drinks menu and really assesses it as Blondie smiles up at me. I glance at the female dancer who wraps her body easily around a pole.
“You could be like her.” Blondie says it like it’s a compliment.
“I’m good thanks.”
“What’s this?” The asshole that touched me has his head buried in the menu, his eyes rise and meet mine, I have to walk over to him and lean in way too close to see what he is pointing at.
“A slow screw against the wall,” I say.
His lips tug up on one side and it’s creepy as fuck.
“I’ll take one of those.” His eyes are on my breasts as he speaks.
My breaths come in quick spouts and my chest strains further against my shirt. I turn quickly and the sting to my backside is like the crack of a whip. I’m moving but not towards the safety of the bar, I’m moving to him, my fist connects with his nose, and I know I’ve broken it. Not by his roars or the gush of blood that sprays from his nose, it’s the crack. I’m smiling in victory but it lasts for a moment as people around us shift back.
“You broke my fucking nose.” My head snaps back to him, his eyes ablaze with fury but I don’t feel fear. I wouldn’t mind round two with him. The pole dancer in front of us is barely moving as her attention, and most of the rooms is on us. Security moves in from all sides.
Blondie hands his friends’ napkins but they are whipped out of his hand.
“I want her fucking arrested for assault.”
“What happened?” Security arrives and I let the asshole scream that I broke his nose.
“He touched me,” I say in my defense. I don’t expect them to drop it, but I do expect them to remove him.
Instead the second security man takes my arm. “This way.”
I resist as he tries to move me without any commotion. “What about the pervert who touched me?”
The security man looks up at the guy in question. Justice would be served.
“I never touched her, she’s a liar and obviously a liability to this establishment. Who’s going to cover my medical expenses and my pain and suffering?”
“Your pain and suffering, I’ve been serving your creepy ass for the last hour. What about my suffering? Less time on the sun beds and I’m sure that would cover the cost to your nose. It was crooked anyway.” I’m nearly spitting as the security man drags me away, like I’m the criminal in all this. It’s not until I’m in the hall and the music is distant, that I think of my job. I can’t lose it.
“Where are you taking me?” The concrete floors and sterile white walls have my stomach twisting.
Neither security men answer me. My arm doesn’t come loose from their steel grip as I yank it back.
“Stop it.” I’m warned as we turn into a room with just a table and chairs.
“What is this?” It looks like an interrogation room from a movie.
“Stay here.” I don’t have a choice as the door slams behind me. I try it immediately and it doesn’t open. The room is missing that huge mirror that you know is a two way. It’s not that no one is watching me; a small camera in the corner is recording my movements. The chair is hard as I sit down and put my head in my hands. I really made a mess of this.
The door opens and the Security man who was first on the scene comes in. His face is still as stern as he stands on the opposite side of the table. He inspects me and I do the same to him. He’s tall like all the rest, maybe a little over six feet, broad shoulders and a wide face. His hair is cut close to his head, leaving only the shaving of hair. Green eyes observe me without blinking. There is nothing significant about him, he’s average. He doesn’t wear the arrogance like a lot of bouncers I know.
“He touched me.” I confess gripping both hands together.
“You don’t work in this part of the hotel, what were you doing there?” He says.
“Okay, I see you’re not very bright. What? You think I was serving drinks to assholes for the fun of it?”
His grin is immediate, but he suppresses it quickly. “We don’t have you on the staff list.”
I shrug. “That’s not my fault.”
He exhales loudly. “We need to get confirmation first that you were assigned to work there.”
I fold my arms across my chest. “Fine but I better be getting paid while sitting in here.”
His eyes flash with humor. “You broke that guy’s nose.”
“He’s lucky that’s all I broke.” My bravery is slipping. The thoughts of getting fired over this is scaring me but I hold security man’s eye.
“I’ll be back shortly,” he says.
I don’t speak as he leaves but focus on my nails. They never grow. I’ve tried the nail polish that strengthens them and is supposed to be some miracle grow formula but no, my nails always remain short. Fake nails aren’t something I could wear in my line of work. Still, I would at least like them a bit longer so they look more feminine.
The door opens and my stomach squeezes. My heart beats faster as Liam steps into the room. He frightens me. It’s his unemotional state. Even now everything is precise as he closes the door gently behind him and moves to the table. He carefully pulls the other chair and sits down so we are very close and eye to eye. I swallow and the small bit of bravery I had felt wavers and shatters across the concrete floor.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Liam always takes each movement in. I haven’t been in his company much but when I am, I often feel like he observes others reactions and movements, like he’s learning. It’s unsettling.
“For causing a scene.” I don’t say for breaking the guy’s nose, because I�
��m not sorry.
The way he holds my gaze causes my chest to rise and fall quickly again, the strain on my buttons has me trying to calm my heart. Liam doesn’t look down at my chest; his focus is on my face.
“Life is cruel, unkind, and most often our decisions are based on what life shapes us to be. So you strike out at a customer for touching you; in one sense it’s justified-“ He pauses before continuing. “But can you imagine if everyone acted on their instincts, acting with brutality, what kind of place would this be?”
Heat rushes to my cheeks. It’s how I survived on the streets. Well, at the start not so much, but I learned fast. It was a kill or be killed kind of world.
“He touched me,” I repeat, but my words fall flat. I’m ready to get fired.
“He won’t be in this establishment again.”
Surprise flitters through me. “But what about his nose?” I ask stupidly and kick myself, I need to shut up.
“It will heal.” Liam rises and places the chair gently back in its place. I don’t know what I am waiting for, the other shoe to drop, maybe. This all seems to have gone so well.
“Ciara.” My name has me looking at Liam. “You have been warned now. The next time you act without thinking and your time with us will be up.” And the other shoe falls.
I nod.
“If that happens again you report it to security and the person will be removed.”
I swallow the emotion that rises inside me.
“You can go back to work.” He finally says.
I’m standing on shaky legs. When I leave the room, I don’t return to the floor instead I go to my locker I just need a minute. The water feels nice on my burning throat. Liam is fair, but his words seem to swim deep and take root inside me. Every unwanted touch, every slap rushes me. Taking out my phone I search for a distraction and am surprised to see a missed call from a 049 number which is local. I ring it back just to distract myself.
“Navan Gardai, how can I help you?”
“Hi. I have a missed call from this number.”
“What’s your name?” The Gardai asks sounding half distracted.
“Ciara Michaels.” I chew my lip as I hold the line. I have no idea what this is about. But after breaking someone’s nose it’s looking like the creep has reported me. My stomach twists. What would happen if someone filed assault charges? I would maybe end up with a criminal record? A fine?
“Ciara. You gem I need your help.” A familiar voice fills the line.
It takes a moment for my fizzled mind to catch up. “Darragh?”
“Yeah so I’m in a bit of a situation. I got arrested last night and need you to bail me out.”
“Why me?” I ask utterly confused.
“You’re my friend.”
I snort. “You’re such a liar. Anyway I can’t. I’m in trouble here and can’t leave.”
“Why what happened?” His concern sounds genuine.
“I broke some guy’s nose.”
He’s laughing. “Did you get fired?”
“No, but I need to get back to work.” I say.
“Hold on. Seriously, I need you to bail me out.”
I chew the inside of my mouth. “I’m finished in a few hours I can do it then.”
“I can’t survive another few hours.”
I close my locker door aware of the amount of time I’m wasting. “Darragh, it’s a few hours or nothing. Which is it?”
He lets out a heavy breath that holds no humor, it’s filled with exhaustion. “I’ll let you know.”
Guilt gnaws at my stomach as I finish the bottle of water and make my way back onto the floor. A few people give me looks but I serve my new table while ignoring them. The men smile at me, so the news that I was violent hasn’t spread yet. It’s an easy shift but my mind is stuck on stupid Darragh and his pitiful voice. I know what sitting in a cell feels like. I know what it feels like to not have anyone come sign you out. The Gardai usually just got sick of me and let me go.
I make a stupid decision as I ask Sinead to take over my table.
“We already talked about this.” Her voice fills with bitchiness.
“They tip really well and it’s all yours.”
“Even the tips you’ve made already?”
I force a smile. “Yeah.”
“Fine but you owe me.” I don’t have a clue how she figured that one out but I nod and get off the floor. I’m questioning my motives in what I’m about to do. But I can only assume that fresh wounds have come to the surface for me today so I’m thinking straight as I knock on Liam’s door.
“Come in.” His voice gives me pause.
Turning the knob I step in. “I was wondering if you have a moment.”
He points at the chair in front of him. The door closes behind me tells me there is no going back. The chair is comfortable and I sink into it, but under the circumstances I don’t want to get comfortable so I sit forward.
“I got a call from Darragh. He’s in Navan Gardai station and needs someone to bail him out.”
“And he rang you?” His eyebrows rise slightly. Is that surprise?
“I’m as surprised as you.” I say.
“Thank you for letting me know.”
I’m getting up but I pause behind the chair. “So… are you going to get him?”
“Does my brother’s welfare concern you?”
“No.” I answer too quickly. “I was just curious.” I add.
Liam stares at me and I shift uncomfortably.
“Okay.” I wasn’t getting an answer. I leave the office and feel no further on.
Now a different kind of guilt churns in my stomach. I feel like I’ve dumped Darragh in a mess. He didn’t ring Liam; Liam hadn’t known and maybe there was a reason for that.
I’m back on the floor and the work is a great distraction. The club is alive, and no one looks at me strangely. I’m serving tables and time flies. After a while I get that feeling like someone is watching me, when I look up its blondie, sipping a beer at the bar. I raise a brow at him and he raises his drink. He’s alone at the bar but I feel uneasy with him here. I continue serving drinks and try to ignore his eyes that seem to burn into the back of my neck. Three security men are close to me and my shoulders loosen. I just need to be aware of where they are as a just in case measure.
Sharon moves around the room, she offers nod to some servers who are doing a good job, and a raised eyebrow to any servers who aren’t moving quick enough. When my customer’s leave I tidy up their table.
“You can keep the bar area clean and check the floor for any rubbish.” Sharon says as she scans the room again before she meets my eye.
“Of course.” I say.
When she leaves I do as she asks and the closer I get to blondie the more irritation claws up my back. I hate being watched. I pick up some glasses and move right beside him as I wait for Simon to come and take them from me.
“What do you want?” I ask not looking at him.
“Your number?”
Now I look at him. “No. Not because I’m not allowed but I don’t like you,” I say it quickly as Simon arrives and takes the empty glasses from me. “Leave me alone or I’ll hurt you.” I warn him, his easy smile is gone and the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together’ comes to mind. But I don’t wait around for a response I’m back on the floor weaving through bodies as the beat has the dancers wrapping themselves tighter around the poles, and the men moving a little closer to the stages.
When my shift finally ends, I just want to wash it all off me. I want to go back to cleaning rooms. This wasn’t going to work well for me. I just knew it.
I check my phone, no messages from Darragh. I consider ringing Navan Gardai station to see if he was bailed out, but I remind myself that this is none of my business.
I grab my bag and leave work.
Outside I inhale the fresh air. The sound of the music still beats away in my ear. I need to ring
a taxi. My car was still broken, so I needed to get it fixed as soon as possible. Taxi’s in Kingscourt weren’t readily available. I ring the one number I have and it goes straight to voicemail.
“Great.” I walk away from the hotel and out the front gates. Cars come and go but one slows down beside me. I keep walking but I’m aware of it.
“I was trying to be nice to you.” Dread curls in my stomach at blondie’s words.
I hold my phone tightly in my hand. “If you don’t go away, I’m ringing the Gardai.” I threaten but his car still rolls beside me. My pace quickens, and he easily finds a stride beside me.
“Come on get in. I’ll give you a lift.”
“My lift is on the way.” I say while considering walking back to the hotel. But it’s bright and lots of cars are coming and going. I didn’t think he was going to hurt me. He was just trying to intimidate me.
“I know you’re lying.” His words hold a smile.
I stop walking and face him. He stalls the car. When I look inside, I see the other guy. “What do you want?” I ask.
“You broke my nose bitch; you can’t get away with that.”
I laugh at him as his face reddens. “What are you going to do?”
Blondie is out first and I try to hold my stance.
“Make you pay.” His nose is bandaged, and bruises blossom under each eye. There is no blood on his shirt, as he wears a fresh white one.
“Get back into your car, before I hurt you again.” My threat doesn’t sound so great now as they move closer. Cars whizz past and that is what’s keeping me calm. It’s daylight. They wouldn’t hurt me while the world watched but something had me moving away. Sharp stone bites into my back, the hotel boundaries stopping me from moving any further.
Blondie is the first to touch me, his fingers wrap around my arm. I quickly pull it free and start dialing 911 on my phone. The screen cracks as it hits the ground.
“You’re not ringing anyone. Ciara.” The way he says my name has me thinking he’s more dangerous than his friend who’s moved around the car and is closing in on me.
“You want money? I can get you money?” I say.
“Do we look like we need money?” Blondie opens his arms and points at his car. It’s new and flashy.