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Fearless: An Irish Mafia Romance (Wild Irish Book 3) Page 14

  I watch her as I move around the car and meet her at the door. The rise and fall of her chest shows how nervous she is. The plunging line showcases perfectly firm breasts.

  “I have an idea,” I say and she smiles, but it’s strained, I’ve never seen her this nervous. “Let’s go back inside so I can peel that dress off you.”

  She laughs, and it does the job I intended it to do. It makes her relax. “I am never sleeping with you.” Her comeback doesn’t hold the normal amount of belief it normally does.

  I really want to tell her how amazing she looks but that would scare her off.

  “So that’s a no then?”

  “Yes, it’s a no.” She’s still smiling and a light blush kisses her cheeks.

  “Are you sure?”

  She laughs again and nods. Stepping aside I open the car door for her and she slides in, the dress splits open. I see so much fucking skin. The cold metal of the car door is the only thing that keeps me from leaning in and kissing her. I focus on the feel of the door.

  “I’m in,” she tells me.

  I’ve been standing here too long. Closing the car door I race around to my side and slide in.

  “You look really good.” Her words have me grinning.

  I fire up the car. “I know,” I tell her as I pull out and she smiles. “You look good too.” Her smile isn’t as wide so I keep any further compliments to myself.

  I can’t stop stealing glances at her. “Who knew you were blond?”

  She touches her hair. “What this? No. I’m naturally blue, just thought I could do with a bit of a change.”

  “Well it suits you; I think you look hot.” I kick myself for letting it slip but she smiles up at me.

  “Really?” She isn’t fishing for a compliment she really doesn’t know how gorgeous she is.

  “I’d sleep with you,” I say and my heart beats faster, because I mean it and something in her posture tells me she has picked up that this time it’s different.

  “That’s an odd compliment. But thank you.”

  “You don’t want to return the compliment. Tell me how you are undressing me with your eyes.”

  Her laughter fills my car. That’s what I’ve been doing since I saw her, undressing her with my eyes.

  “Yes I can’t stop picturing you naked.”

  “Oh tell me more.” I tease. The blush on her cheeks makes me wonder if she really is picturing me naked.

  We pull into Kells and I don’t drive down to the church grounds knowing parking isn’t possible. Instead I park at the back of the Headfort Arms Hotel. It’s another one of Liam’s establishments.

  I check my watch. It’s a quarter to one. The wedding starts at one.

  “So I have to go up top with my family as I’m one of the groomsmen, but I’ll leave you with Una.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” She looks at me from under lashes looking so pure making me want to taint that purity with a kiss.

  “I know.” I get out and move around the car to open her door. Once she is out, I pull the shawl around her shoulders.

  “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  Ciara holds my gaze before reaching up and brushing her lips to my cheek. “You’re welcome.” The words are whispered against my ear.

  I reach out my arm and Ciara takes it as we leave the car park and make our way across the road to the church. The carpark is packed as I expected. With four hundred guests the church will be full. Some people are still outside smoking or having a last-minute chat. I spot my Father having words with a man who looks similar to him, Uncle Tom. The words are heated ones but controlled. They wouldn’t let themselves down in front of a crowd. I grip Ciara tighter as I make my way into the church. The walk up the aisle is long and the seats are filled with a lot of people I don’t know but who seem to know me. Being identical to the groom is a bit of a giveaway. I get a lot of nods, smiles and hellos. Occasionally someone knows my name.

  Liam, Shane, Connor and Finn are standing at the front of the church. “Those four guys at the altar are my brothers.”

  “Jesus Christ you all look like models.”

  Surprise at her words has me looking down at her. “You think I look like a model?”

  She grins up at me, but doesn’t answer. Liam spots us first and his eyes slide to Ciara. I see it the moment it happens the moment he recognizes her. His eyes snap to mine and he nods. I’m not sure if it’s approval of who is with me, or just the fact I showed up. Una’s fiery red hair is like a siren. She’s only three people in and close to the top.

  I stop at her row of seats. “Una this is my date Ciara. Can I leave her in your hands?” Una takes in Ciara and she smiles at her. “You can sit with me and Ava.”

  Ava gives me a smile.

  “Nice to see you again,” I tell her and Una seems surprised that we know each other. Beside the three girls is an older woman who is watching us. Most certainly not Liam’s date. I’m curious about who he brought.

  “You okay?” I ask Ciara before I have to leave.

  “Yes I’m fine, go on.” Her smile has me making a quick decision, I lean in and plant a soft quick kiss on her lips. She looks startled as I leave her and join my brothers.

  “You’re cutting it close.” I ignore Shane’s words and pull Finn into a quick hug.

  “You can still bail.” I tease.

  He grins, but it’s strained. “Not a chance. I just hope she shows up.” He’s watching the door like her not arriving would actually happen.

  “You brought Ciara?” Liam steps closer to me.

  I don’t look at him as I speak. “Yes, she cleans up nicely, doesn’t she?”

  “That she does.” I don’t like Liam agreeing with me. He steps away as I turn to him.

  “You brought the rings?” Connor asks me and I’m shaking my head, my spine tightens.

  “No, what? No one said for me to bring the fucking rings.” I’m getting loud but I didn’t fuck this up.

  Shane shakes his head at me but Connor is grinning. “Of course you didn’t. I’m the best man.”

  I want to punch him.

  “Could you try to watch your mouth? We are standing in a church.” Shane leans in a little too close.

  “Move back before I deck you,” I say to him through a smile.

  “Please remember this is Finn’s day.” Liam speaks up while glancing out over the crowd.

  Finn is staring at the altar and I nudge Connor. “You’re the best man.” I whisper and he steps towards Finn and whispers a few words in his ear.

  Music starts and every head whips to the closed front doors.

  My own stomach goes for Finn. Taking our places quickly, I find Ciara watching me and I wink at her. The doors open and Siobhan steps in.

  I take a quick look at Finn. Tears brim in his eyes as he stares at Siobhan. A veil covers her face, but the dress is stunning a trail two meters back that has four girls lifting and fixing it at each step she takes. Father is giving her away. He walks with an air of a man who knows his worth. Head held high, he nods to people as he passes them, when he gets closer to us, he looks at each son and pride shines in his eyes. I smile as Siobhan reaches Finn, and he gets to push back the veil, his face transforms as their eyes meet.

  The mass is an hour long, and I spend more time watching Ciara. She’s crying along with Una and Ava. When she meets my eye, I suppress the smile that threatens to appear.

  “I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.” The words are music to my ears. The mass is finally over. Finn doesn’t waste a minute before he takes Siobhan in his hands and kisses her. The church erupts in cheers.

  The bells ring as Finn and Siobhan walk hand in hand down the aisle. A hand lands on my back, it’s Connor. “Thank God that’s over.” He whispers and I agree. I can’t wait for a smoke. As we follow behind. Ava falls into step with Connor and Una with Shane. Ciara looks unsure but I hold out my hand and she takes it, slipping out of her seat. I check behind me but Liam walks on his own.
  “That was beautiful.” Ciara’s voice is still clogged with emotion.

  “Yeah it was long,” I say.

  She squeezes our linked hands. “You can’t say that didn’t do something to you.” She’s really emotional, and it’s sweet.

  “Yeah it made me realize that I’m really addicted to fags. And I don’t like staying in one spot too long.”

  Ciara narrows her eyes at me.

  “Fine it was beautiful,” I say and she seems satisfied as we step out into the sun. Connor and Ava come over to us.

  “Ciara this is my brother Connor and his girlfriend Ava.” Connor takes Ciara’s outstretched hand. Ava and Ciara smile at each other.

  “We already met,” Ava says.

  “Yeah thanks for letting me sit with you.”

  “I’m as new as you; this is my first time meeting the family.” The girls move closer together bonding over being new.

  “I see Liam doesn’t have a date,” I say to Connor as I spark up a fag.

  “Yeah I didn’t see him come in with anyone, makes you really wonder about him.”

  I’m nodding. “Did you see Uncle Tom is here? Father was having words with him earlier.”

  Connor doesn’t look at me as he speaks; his eyes scan across the crowd. “No I didn’t see him but they have a bad history so I’m not surprised.”

  “Over the shooting?”

  Ava and Ciara look up at us. “The bird shooting,” I tell them with a smile.

  “Here comes Father,” I say to Connor and his face tightens. “I mean Michael,” I say just for him and he relaxes.

  “Well done. You both did a great job.” He tells us. I know we are the fuck ups.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  Connor doesn’t speak and I’m grateful that he doesn’t. He normally has nothing good to say.

  “Are you going to introduce me to your dates?” Father smiles, and he looks like such a sweet and doting father.

  “This is Ciara. Ciara my Father.” Ciara takes Dad’s outstretched hand.

  “So great to meet you.” Her smile is sweet, and she blinks up at him.

  “And this is?” He questions releasing Ciara’s hand. Connor isn’t speaking.

  “Ava, Connor’s girlfriend.” I say.

  Father steps towards her. “Isn’t he a very lucky man?” Father says while taking her hand. She looks nervously at Connor. His silence isn’t helping.

  “Okay, family photo Darragh.” He walks away and I hate that he got a dig in. How he didn’t mention Connor.

  “He’s such a fucking asshole.”

  “I know man. But just for Finn let’s make today go smoothly.” Connor gives Ava a quick kiss.

  “I won’t be long,” I say to Ciara wondering what the hell she is making of our family, but she smiles like today is a great day.

  An hour of photos and repositioning is bad enough but with crowds watching us it’s draining.

  Three photographers are directing us.

  “Okay can we just have the brothers?”

  We all stand together. “Maybe move closer and wrap your arms around each other.” We do as instructed. “Now Darragh look at Shane, Liam face forward and Finn you look at Connor.” We do that. I’m looking at Shane and its all kinds of awkward.

  “On the count of three say something to each other. One, Two, Three.”

  “You’re a prick.” I say to Shane, as the camera’s snap away. I’m smiling at him, his face rigid. “That’s going to make a great photo,” I say as we finally finish up.

  “Why didn’t you smile?” Una questions Shane and I’m grinning as I step away.

  “What did you say to him?” Connor asks.

  “I just said to smile. But he refused.”

  Connor snorts.



  I can’t take my eyes off Darragh. He just seems to draw me in. Watching the photoshoot is captivating. Each brother looks like they are modeling wedding clothes. Each one is so different but equally good-looking. Normally there is an ugly one in the family. But not the O’Reagan’s.

  “So are you and Darragh long together?” The question has been asked several times but I smile at Una. She hadn’t asked yet, but I knew she was dying to know.

  “We’re friends.”

  Both her eyebrows raise and she smiles. “Ah.”

  I want to ask what ‘Ah’ means, but Darragh is walking back towards us. A part of me is still reeling from the kiss he gave me in front of everyone. It distracted me and I just couldn’t fully enjoy my very first wedding. My lips still tingle, and I wonder why he did it. The first kiss we had was me in tears telling him my past, but this time he didn’t have to kiss me.

  “We can start making our way to Cabra.” Darragh lights up a cigarette.

  “I’m starving and honestly these shoes are cutting into my heels.” Una winces as she speaks.

  “Yeah mine too. I should have gotten smaller heels,” Darragh says.

  Una narrows her eyes at Darragh before smiling at me. “See you at the castle.” Shane arrives over then. He doesn’t smile much, and he levels Darragh with a stare. I find myself taking a step towards Darragh not liking his hostility at all. His eyes snap to me and his face softens.

  “Can’t wait to see the photos. They might have to edit you out.” Darragh’s words are delivered with a smirk.

  Shane’s face tightens again. “See you at the castle.” He turns and Una gives us an apologetic look.

  “So she’s your step-sister?” I ask.

  Darragh blows smoke into the air. “Yep.”

  “And he’s your brother. So she’s also his step-sister?”

  “You’re preaching to the choir.”

  “I’m not saying there is anything wrong with it. I’m just curious,” I say not wanting to judge. They weren’t related it was just the title that made it seem kind of weird.

  “I didn’t get to meet your date.” I startle as Finn comes up behind us. He’s Darragh’s identical twin but the more I look at him, I don’t think he’s like Darragh at all. He’s too soft and polished.

  “This is Ciara. Ciara, Finn.”

  “Lovely to meet you and congratulations.”

  He smiles sweetly. “Great to meet you too Ciara. We’re going to go to the hotel now. I’d say everyone is starving.”

  I was hungry, but I didn’t say. Finn pats his brother on the back and we leave together.

  “Why did you kiss me?” I ask as we wait to cross the road. Keeping my focus on the traffic allows me the bravery of asking the question.

  Once we get safely across the road Darragh speaks. “Did you like it?”

  “You can’t answer my question with a question.” I tell him.

  “I wanted to.” He shrugs and throws his fag on the ground like it was no big deal. Like he didn’t leave me stunned and thinking about it through the whole ceremony.

  We reach the car and Darragh opens my door but stands in the way. “Can I do it again?”

  My heart starts to race. I want him to do it so much but I’m scared.

  “I think we should keep this platonic.” My words don’t tether him at all.

  His smile is slow. “I think it’s a bit too late for that.”

  Yeah it was.

  He steps aside and I get into the car.


  I’ve never been to Cabra Castle before but already it’s stolen words from me. This was like a fairy tale. “So, this isn’t my doing, but rooms were booked for each of us.”

  I unbuckle my belt. “Okay?”

  “I mean couple wise. We are sharing a room.”

  “Oh.” The idea of sharing a room with Darragh is heating up my blood.

  “Look I’ll sleep on the floor. Scouts honor.” Darragh crosses his heart like I might believe him.

  “Or we could just ask for a spare bed to be brought in,” I say.

  “I can organize that.”

  I grin. “No, let me.” I didn’t trust him o
ne bit.

  “So about this platonic relationship. What are the rules?”

  “What do you mean rules?” I’m smiling.

  Darragh’s eyes light up. “Like can we dance?”

  “I won’t be dancing because I can’t,” I reply.

  “But we can dance?”

  I laugh. “Yes. We can dance.”

  “Hand holding?”

  “Depends on what the situation is.”

  His lips tug up into a smile. “A kiss on the cheek?”


  Darragh moves in and my heart gallops my grin dissolving off my face. The smell of his cologne fills my lungs and I can’t look away from him. His lips graze my cheek, warm breath brushes my neck and I shiver. Moist lips touch my neck and it takes a lot of control to stay still. Each kiss he plants moves closer to my lips. If he reaches them, I’m not sure I can stop him.

  A knock on the window has me jumping away from Darragh. He doesn’t move away but groans before turning to his window, where his brother Connor grins at him. The burn of embarrassment rushes across my cheeks.

  “The happy couple are about to arrive.” He informs Darragh before looking at me and grins.

  The heat travels across my chest and I’m glad when the cool wind blows around me as I step out of the car. Warm fingers wrapped around mine, my head snaps up to Darragh.

  “You said hand holding was okay.”

  “I said it depended on the situation.” I answer as I allow myself to relax into his touch.

  “So I made an executive decision and decided this was the perfect situation.”

  We join everybody else as Siobhan and Finn arrive. White petals are lifted by the wind and swirl around the couple. I can’t stop looking, there is such a magical feel to it. Regret at not going to a wedding before rises inside me. I never knew what I was missing out on.

  Two men either side of the door play the tin whistle, the sound romantic but haunting. The castle inside is even more enchanting. The money this must have cost I can’t even begin to think about.